Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lean and Green

In the April issue of Vegetarian Times they have a Q&A with Mark Bittman, a food columnist for The New York Times. He also wrote a book, Food Matters: A Guide to Conscious Eating. In the interview Mark explains why people should move toward a vegetarian diet. He states that by eating less animal products one can lessen their carbon footprint and help the planet as well as get healthier. Bittman says that a non-vegetarian lifestyle is certainly not sustainable. If we keep this going, the world will be raising 120 billion animals a year by 2050. Hold crap! This cannot happen. Eventually, we would need more land that is actually available and our recourses would not be able to handle it. In simple terms, the planet will not be happy and neither will we.

Bittman also gives advice on other things you can do to better your life and I am not surprised that he said stay away from processed crap. This is what I say all the time people! Maybe when you hear professionals say it to you will listen. He recommends that people cook more and eat real food. Trusting the food industry to put healthy food in your family's mouths is stupid. Only you can provide what is best for you and your loved ones. By purchasing organic and natural fresh foods and cooking yourself you are a huge step ahead of the game.

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