Friday, April 16, 2010

Why is America So Damn Fat?

Obesity is a huge problem in our country and everyone knows it. Why is it that people in America are the fattest among other countries in the world? There have been tons of studies and research done to help figure this issue out but its no secret why 75% of Americans are overweight. For one thing, we have way too much food here. Secondly, we consume too much. I really feel that its kind of disgusting how people just buy, spend and eat without thinking twice about it. Talk about waste. This country has enough of it. Besides all that, there are a number of reasons that factor in to this “why are we the fattest country?”, question. I read a great book a couple of years ago by Kevin Trudeau. In this book I came across a lot of information that changed my life. One chapter is dedicated to why people are fat and I want to share with you what I have learned from reading it.

One thing we all know is that if one has a slow metabolism they will gain weight quicker. This is due to certain organs not working properly. So if this is you than you really need to figure out why something is not functioning as it should. Here are some reasons why you may have a slow metabolism:

Hypoactive thyroid, this means that your body’s process to converting food to energy is slow. One main cause of this is fluoride. Here in America there is fluoride in the drinking water. We are one of the only countries who insist on putting this garbage in our water. Not only is it a contributing factor to our obesity problem but it has been found to cause cancer, lower IQ, change bone structure and strength, impair the immune system, cause birth defects, increase lead exposure and cause osteoarthritis to name a few. Is there a reason it is in our water! This is crazy. Children seem to be more susceptible to the dangers so take extra caution around your little ones. Make sure your toothpaste is fluoride free as well! I have listed some products that are safe to use in earlier posts so check them out and do some safe shopping!

Another cause may be problems with the pancreas. If your pancreas secretes insulin at a much faster pace (which is commonly found in overweight people) take a good look at the food your eating. Considering you are in bad health I think its time to start eating better anyway! Many food additives and refined sugars cause this pancreatic problem. Most of these additives aren’t used in other countries. Why America? Do you really think big business cares about us? No, they don’t. That is why its important to eat natural and organic food and use only the best natural products in your home. Its the only way to beat the system and live a toxic free life.

Two other causes of an under active thyroid is a clogged liver and a slow digestive system. The liver is a vital part of your body. It detoxifies and helps things run smoothly. If your liver is clogged that is a bad sign. What causes this to happen you ask. Well, to name a few: prescription and over the counter drugs you have taken. Specifically, drugs to reduce cholesterol. Again, fluoride plays a part as well as chlorine. All food additives, artificial sweeteners, refined sugars and preservatives as well. This doesn’t surprise me at all. Once again the pharmaceutical companies prove to be sneaky and harmful as do major food companies and brands. As far as having a slow digestive system, well, if you don’t produce enough enzymes your food will not convert properly to energy. This resulting in a lot of stored fat. Yuck! This is caused by candida yeast overgrowth. I know, it sounds gross. Once again you can thank antibiotics for this one. When you take medicine it kills the flora in your intestines which allows candida to live happily ever after. It slowly gets to your colon then spreads to the cell walls which in turn slows down your digestion.

Hmm, so what you put in your body is the main factor in causing a slow metabolism. Who knew! Its really ones own fault why they may be overweight. People need to learn to have some control on life and not let society lead them in the wrong direction. One more thing that can cause obesity is exercise. That should be common sense. People need to have strong muscle. I don’t mean go ahead and start lifting weights like a bodybuilder. Please, that is disgusting and not healthy at all! But to walk 2 miles a day and exercise for 30 minutes 3 times a week, now that is something everyone can do. It will make such a difference and you will feel 100 times better.

So now we can go over the other reasons why people are so damn fat.

1. Eating when you aren’t hungry - people do this because they are stressed, have emotional issues or simply crave food. Go to therapy, get happy and stop eating crap!
2. Having a large appetite - this is due to yeast overgrowth and lack of nutrients that your body is unable to produce. On top of that it could be the horrible additives in the food you are eating which increase your hunger.
3. Hormonal imbalance - if you are overweight your body can be secreting too much of a certain hormone rather than release an even amount of all. This can be caused by the lack of exercise and toxins in the body.
4. Eating large portions - Another huge problem in this country. We eat too much! Serving sizes should be smaller and packaging should be smaller size portions. In Europe, snacks and candy come wrapped up about 30% smaller than American sized packages as well as serving smaller restaurant portions. Try buying smaller dinner plates so you won't eat too much.
5. Diet food - Its funny how most diet food actually makes you fatter. Yep. its sad but true. If you notice that a lot of “diet” foods out there are low fat, sugar free, low carb, light and lean. Well, all this is garbage! They may say these things to lure you to buy them, which you do, but its all a lie. These so called “healthy foods” contain artificial sweeteners, chemical additives and lots of sugar. So in the end, these foods make you hungrier and want more. Before you know it, poof, your fatter than you were before!
6. Toxins - when you are overweight you are highly toxic. Your body tries to dilute the poisons and you retain water which increases the stored fat. Have you ever noticed that people who take lots of medicine become bloated and fat over time? There you go!
7. Eating before you go to bed - Plain and simple, when you eat before bed your body does not burn it off because your metabolism slows down. If you must eat something than try some fruit or granola.
8. Growth hormones - Another reason why people should eat natural food. If meat is not natural and organic there is close to a 100% chance they were injected with growth hormones to speed up production. Eat a lot of meat? You are injecting yourself with these chemicals! What the animals eat will only go into your body. could anyone feel comfortable with that! Just the thought of these poor animals being treated like that makes me upset. The best thing to do is stop eating meat altogether!
9. Having a fat vision - This plays on the mindset of obese people. If you think about your weight a lot than you will become what you are thinking.

I hope that this will help you whether you are overweight and want to do something about it or just want to live a healthier life. Again, the food companies and big business do not care about its consumers. Wake up people! Only you can make a change for the better and its no one else’s fault but yours if it doesn’t happen. Be strong, have confidence and take care of your body and mind. Living smart is key to being toxic free.

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