Monday, April 19, 2010

Hiding Behind Our Words

I recently read an article In VegNews that got me thinking. It was about how people hide behind words and use a more comfortable language to define what they are eating. It is so true. Colleen Patrick-Goudreau is right when she says, "we tend to sugarcoat what we eat with language that conceals what we're actually putting in our mouths". I am sure this has crossed my mind before considering humans have been doing it for centuries. Hell, I even did it when I ate meat. But the more I think about it the issue really gets under my skin.

We all know the terms hamburger, steak, bacon, pork, etc. No one goes to a restaurant and orders dead cow or pig flesh. However, that is exactly what they are eating. It is much easier for people to say and hear the titles we have given dead animals so we enjoy eating them more. Colleen says it perfectly by adding, " when an animal lays dead on the side of the road, we call it a carcass, but when an animal lays dead on our plate, we call it dinner". It is a total contradiction! Does this imply that humans who eat meat are pussies for not speaking the truth? Or are they just weak in justifying their meat eating actions?

The use of false titles when describing animals keeps you more unaware of the horrible things that are involved. It also lessens the animals dignity and existence. We see them as commodities rather than the beautiful creatures they really are. Hence, the fact that you are all hiding behind words. When people talk about vegetables and natural foods they say exactly what they are. There is no need to make up a different word for carrot or potato. That would be silly. So vegetarians can smile in their freedom to speak truth of what goes into their bodies. There is no need for them to hide behind language to feel better about their actions or to conform to society. "One of the joys of becoming vegetarian is that there is no need to euphamize, assuage, pretend, or romanticize", states Goudreau. I totally agree!

So for now on I am going to speak the truth. If someone talks about meat I will use the proper words and correct them. Let's see if they feel comfortable eating dead cow flesh the next time they order a hamburger. Maybe as they explain how good their steak is I can say, "good, its always tasty when rotting dead flesh hangs out in your body". You think they still would want dessert? This will simply be a test to see how people react. It just might be fun! If you are up for it, try it out as well. I would love to hear some feedback from readers as to what reactions they get. This should definitely be interesting.

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