Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to Start Living Green

Some people think that living green is a hard lifestyle to maintain. It isn’t. You do in fact need to make changes and be more aware of your environment. Now if that is too hard to do than I would question your priorities and the everyday choices you make. Not to be judgmental but there is a certain responsibility that we all have as humans to take care of our planet and live the best lives we can. If we don’t understand the importance of that than we are in big trouble. Now is the time to change your life for the better and finally feel a sense of pride that you never thought you could. Its 2010 people. It’s never too late to try to become the person you never thought you could be.

The first thing to do is take a look at your life and see what you can change asap. Whether its buying natural and organic food or taking a walk instead of driving, taking baby steps is perfectly fine. You want these changes to be fun and exciting! And with a positive view and peaceful state of mind you will get there. You must realize that a lifestyle change such as this one will also change who you are as a person. That is the true meaning of being green. Having the eco-friendly vision everyday come natural and not thinking twice about an earth-friendly decision. Its about observing yourself and realizing that you, the people you love and the earth from which you live are worth much more!

Here are 10 easy simple ways to get started. You can do them at your own pace and take the time you need. The more you start doing, the more you will be comfortable with your new lifestyle!

Recycle & Reuse: I am surprised when I hear that someone does not recycle. Shame on you! If everyone in America recycled we could decrease the waste in landfills by 75%. Sounds good to me! Another way to recycle is to reuse. Bags you get from the grocery store, packaging, rags to clean and even refilling your ink cartridges for your printer. These all make a difference.

Take a shorter shower: You can conserve more than 10 gallons by just shortening your showers by 2 minutes. Not to mention your water bill! Just think how much that would be if everyone did the same.

Junk Mail: We all get crap in the mail that goes straight to the garbage. Instead of throwing it out recycle it instead. If you want to reduce your junk mail or rid of it forever you can register with the Mail Preference Service. It only costs $1 and you can do it online. Its that easy so there is no excuse! Just go to DMA Choice.

Curtains & Blinds: During summer and winter keep your blinds closed. That will keep your house cooler when its hot out and warmer when its cold. By doing this you can reduce your energy needs up to 25% and save on your electric bill!

Use fewer napkins: When you are out try to take 2 -4 napkins instead of 10. I know, I go to the movies and get popcorn and you need tons of napkins because of the butter! Do your best to conserve and more than a billion pounds of napkins could be saved from landfills each year! For your home go with cloth napkins and wash them. Then you won't be wasting paper and you will saving money too!

Subscribe to magazines: You could save up to 75% off the newsstand price if you simply subscribed. Plus, who wouldn’t want the convenience of coming home to your favorite publication! About 60% of the magazines at stores aren’t sold and wind up getting dumped. What a waste!

Unplug electronics: Not only will you save money but tons of energy as well. Surprisingly enough, even though they are turned off your electronics are still using 10 - 15% of energy. Just unplugging your TV alone can save more than $1 billion in energy bills if we all did it.

Carpool to work: If it is possible, try to hitch a ride with another coworker or even a friend that may work in the same area. You would save hundreds of gallons of gas and not to mention the $$ in your pocket. Another plus of carpooling is less traffic. We don’t need any more cars on the road or any more road rage!

Pay your bills online: Why waste money on stamps and envelopes when you can pay all your bills online. Thats the convenience of the internet! Take advantage and save time and money.

Paper or plastic: The best solution is to use reusable bags. Nowadays, every retail store sells them and they are usually under $5 or so. Its worth it. Plus they are stronger and more reliable. But if you have to choose one than go with paper. And don’t forget to recycle and reuse!

I hope that you can follow these steps and have fun in the process. Just think about all the great choices you are making and the difference you are able to achieve. With these 10 steps you are well on your way to an eco-friendly life!

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