Friday, April 30, 2010

No Phone Zone

Today is National No Phone Zone Day! Oprah is so cool for doing this. When you have the power and the means to make a difference you should take that opportunity and use it to its fullest. Oprah did just that! She has worked so hard to get this issue out there and it doesn't surprise me that all her hard work paid off. It is really sad that lives have been lost just by using a cell phone. It is really ridiculous. I suggest you go on the Oprah website and sign the pledge. By you doing this and actually doing it you will help to stop more lives from being lost.

I will admit I have texted in my car in the past. Not much when I am driving though. When I have to use my phone I wear my headset but I am trying to just keep it in my bag and leave it alone. I am not a big phone talker to begin with so its not a huge problem for me. But some people are out of hand. I can't tell you how many times I am on the road and I see a person on their phone. Most of the time they are driving too slow, too fast or just plain retarded! I often yell at these people, haha. Its just so god damn annoying.

So do the world a favor and keep your phone off in the car. There really is no need to use it. If you need to call someone then just pull over and do what you have to do. At least you are not on the road and open to having a car accident or killing someone. Play it safe because this is no joke.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to Start Living Green

Some people think that living green is a hard lifestyle to maintain. It isn’t. You do in fact need to make changes and be more aware of your environment. Now if that is too hard to do than I would question your priorities and the everyday choices you make. Not to be judgmental but there is a certain responsibility that we all have as humans to take care of our planet and live the best lives we can. If we don’t understand the importance of that than we are in big trouble. Now is the time to change your life for the better and finally feel a sense of pride that you never thought you could. Its 2010 people. It’s never too late to try to become the person you never thought you could be.

The first thing to do is take a look at your life and see what you can change asap. Whether its buying natural and organic food or taking a walk instead of driving, taking baby steps is perfectly fine. You want these changes to be fun and exciting! And with a positive view and peaceful state of mind you will get there. You must realize that a lifestyle change such as this one will also change who you are as a person. That is the true meaning of being green. Having the eco-friendly vision everyday come natural and not thinking twice about an earth-friendly decision. Its about observing yourself and realizing that you, the people you love and the earth from which you live are worth much more!

Here are 10 easy simple ways to get started. You can do them at your own pace and take the time you need. The more you start doing, the more you will be comfortable with your new lifestyle!

Recycle & Reuse: I am surprised when I hear that someone does not recycle. Shame on you! If everyone in America recycled we could decrease the waste in landfills by 75%. Sounds good to me! Another way to recycle is to reuse. Bags you get from the grocery store, packaging, rags to clean and even refilling your ink cartridges for your printer. These all make a difference.

Take a shorter shower: You can conserve more than 10 gallons by just shortening your showers by 2 minutes. Not to mention your water bill! Just think how much that would be if everyone did the same.

Junk Mail: We all get crap in the mail that goes straight to the garbage. Instead of throwing it out recycle it instead. If you want to reduce your junk mail or rid of it forever you can register with the Mail Preference Service. It only costs $1 and you can do it online. Its that easy so there is no excuse! Just go to DMA Choice.

Curtains & Blinds: During summer and winter keep your blinds closed. That will keep your house cooler when its hot out and warmer when its cold. By doing this you can reduce your energy needs up to 25% and save on your electric bill!

Use fewer napkins: When you are out try to take 2 -4 napkins instead of 10. I know, I go to the movies and get popcorn and you need tons of napkins because of the butter! Do your best to conserve and more than a billion pounds of napkins could be saved from landfills each year! For your home go with cloth napkins and wash them. Then you won't be wasting paper and you will saving money too!

Subscribe to magazines: You could save up to 75% off the newsstand price if you simply subscribed. Plus, who wouldn’t want the convenience of coming home to your favorite publication! About 60% of the magazines at stores aren’t sold and wind up getting dumped. What a waste!

Unplug electronics: Not only will you save money but tons of energy as well. Surprisingly enough, even though they are turned off your electronics are still using 10 - 15% of energy. Just unplugging your TV alone can save more than $1 billion in energy bills if we all did it.

Carpool to work: If it is possible, try to hitch a ride with another coworker or even a friend that may work in the same area. You would save hundreds of gallons of gas and not to mention the $$ in your pocket. Another plus of carpooling is less traffic. We don’t need any more cars on the road or any more road rage!

Pay your bills online: Why waste money on stamps and envelopes when you can pay all your bills online. Thats the convenience of the internet! Take advantage and save time and money.

Paper or plastic: The best solution is to use reusable bags. Nowadays, every retail store sells them and they are usually under $5 or so. Its worth it. Plus they are stronger and more reliable. But if you have to choose one than go with paper. And don’t forget to recycle and reuse!

I hope that you can follow these steps and have fun in the process. Just think about all the great choices you are making and the difference you are able to achieve. With these 10 steps you are well on your way to an eco-friendly life!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Is It All Worth It?

I do a lot of reading on vegetarianism and animal rights and the more I read the more upset I get. My choice to not eat meat is a positive and healthy one. Even though I feel very strongly about the subject, I do not preach to other people. But what I will do is talk to people and share information that I feel is very important for everyone to know. Honestly, I find that many people do know the horrors of animal cruelty and they simply don’t care. The others are either naive, ignorant or really have no clue. Especially, to all the sickness and diseases that are linked to factory farmed animals and food. Like I said, the information I have gained from my research and experience I will continue to share with the world.

Here are just a few facts about the food you are eating and some thoughts to get you really thinking. Please read them through and really think about what you put in your body. Not to mention, the food you put on your family’s table.

1. If you can eat chicken, turkeys, fish, cows and pigs, then why not eat dogs and cats? Just because they are household pets doesn’t mean they are illegal to eat. Why are these animals domesticated and others not? Pigs and cows are just as smart and chickens and turkeys are just as playful. Fish are also considered some of the most intelligent creatures. All animals deserve the right to live a long healthy life.

2. Do you eat fish? Well, then you should know that modern day fishing methods not only harm but kill hundreds of other sea life in the process. They are called bycatch. So the next time you are eating shrimp think about the 80% of sea animals that have suffered just so you can have a 10 minute tasty meal. Don’t eat crawfish? Other fish like tuna is no exception. More than 145 species of sea life are regularly killed while catching and killing tuna. Is all this suffering and killing worth it just so you can eat it? No.

3. Chickens are now put in two categories. They are either broilers and layers and have been engineered for two different functions. What ever happened to just being called chickens? In factory farms (which are far from the farms that you and I picture in our heads) the layers are allowed only about a space the size of a piece of paper. They are kept in cages that are stacked liked shelves and left to live a short, horrible life. No windows, no fresh air and no healthy food. But plenty of darkness, manipulation, torture, chemicals and antibiotics. Worst of all, they never get to live a full life. Most are killed after a months time. Its these eggs that you are eating.

Then you have the broilers who are treated the same way but are not in cages. They get about an inch or two more space on the floor and get to hang with out other broilers who are sick and diseased and dead. Don’t forget about all the feces they are forced to sit and sleep in. Killed about 6 weeks after birth they never get the chance to live the life they deserve either. I will leave the processed part of the time line up for imagination. I will only say that it gets worse. What about the male chickens that the layers produce? Well, to the food industry, they have no function. More than 250 million male chicks in the United States alone are killed each year. Destroyed as if they aren’t worth anything. How? They are sucked through pipes onto electrified plates, tossed into large containers to suffocate slowly and sent through macerators and torn apart fully conscious.

Is this what you want to put in your body? Tortured, unhealthy and sick animals. Is this what you feel comfortable about your country doing? Are these stories you would tell your children? The more you buy factory farmed livestock you are supporting this behavior and prove to the food industry that you are weak enough to fall into their traps and naive enough to believe all their lies. Even worse, you are consuming the dead rotting flesh of amazing, loving animals that are honestly worth more than you are. They wouldn't eat you if they had the chance!

4. These horrible methods used by factory farms are legal as long as they are commonly practiced. The Common Farming Exemptions allow this to continue. How crazy is that! What ever happened to laws that you had to obey?

5.There is an estimate of around 2000,000 cows a year that collapse and suffer from poor health and do not have the strength to stand back up. These poor animals are left to die a slow tortured death. In America, it is legal in most states to allow “downers” to die or toss them in dumpsters while still alive. If that doesn’t make you upset than you are not human.

6. Most farmed pigs are slaughtered when they reach about 250 pounds and still young. If they lived a natural, healthy life they would normally reach 800 pounds or more. Just more animal lives that are cut short so you can eat them. I hope its worth it.

7. Do you care about the environment? Do you consider yourself an environmentalist? Well, you must be a vegetarian. Great! Oh wait, you aren’t? Than you are a fraud. Factory farms are the number one reason for global warming, 40% more than all transportation combined. It causes air pollution, water shortage and pollution and land degradation. So give yourself a pat on the back. Thanks to you the earth and everyone living on it is suffering as well. How important is your choice to eat meat?

8. When you see these labels, “free-range”, “fresh” and “cage-free”, ignore them because they mean nothing. Organic is the only safe way to go.

9. Remember the “swine flu”? How could we forget. Well, it didn’t come from Mexico. Its funny how far the government and food industry will go to make American’s believe their lies. When researched, scientists found that the virus was linked to a hog factory farm in North Carolina. The scary thing is that they also found that the virus combined genetics from birds, pigs and human viruses. This is not the end folks.

10. Vegetarian diets are a good choice for everyone, even children. There are a number of health advantages such as lower cholesterol and blood pressure, lower risk of heart disease and hypertension and type 2 diabetes. They also contain higher levels of fiber, vitamins C and E, potassium and lower in saturated fat and cholesterol. Not to mention, that vegetarians tend to be healthier and less fat. Just more reasons to make the switch to a better way of life.

You know, these farm animals are alive just like us. They have beating hearts and brains that keep them moving. It is said that humans are more intelligent but by the way we act it doesn't seem like it at all. People choose to live like cavemen instead of living in the now. Its 2010 and we should not be killing and torturing animals for food or any reason for that matter! We do not need their meat to survive and there are tons of alternatives that are so much healthier. So why do we do it? Some people have a big problem getting over how selfish they are and surpassing the greed that consumes them. Its as simple as that. If you just open up to the truth and let your heart actually feel something for another living creature than maybe things can change.

Animals are beautiful, smart, funny and brave. They belong here as much as we do. I hope you can read through these and really think about the reasons you eat meat. Are they valid? Are they important? Do you really need to eat animals? Do you feel right knowing all the torture that is involved? Keep thinking people....evolve for change!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Eco-Friendly Food Storage

I bet everyone uses plastic bags for something. Whether its your kids lunch or just leftovers, you need to keep food in something right? Well, we all know plastic is not the best way to go unless its recycled. Here are some alternative solutions.

I recommend you use glass containers for your home. They hold better, keep food fresh longer and look nicer too! I love the storage bowls from Crate and Barrel. Right now they have a set of 12 on sale for just $19.95.

You can also check out the glass food storage containers from Anchor Hocking. They are toxin-free and all glass. Even the lids! You can purchase a set of 3 at Free Market Organics for $33.50.

Packing your kids lunches is just another daily task. Who knew it could be fun! These organic snack and sandwich bags from Graze Organic are so awesome. Not only will your kids love them but the planet will he happy too. They come in sets of 3 of your choice for $24. Not bad for bags you can reuse over and over again. The bags are soft and flexible and have a hook and loop closure that is easy for young children to open. I don't even have kids and I want them!

For produce and other food items you can try these Organic Muslim Bags. They have 2 sizes at $2.95 each. You can't go wrong. You can find these on Reusable Bags.

Earth Day

To celebrate Earth Day here are a few films you should check out. Remember, our Earth is a beautiful place and all living creatures are amazing. Let's keep the planet beautiful so that our children can witness what a miracle it is to be here.

Earth Days
This film explores how Earth Day began. The 1950's and 70's were amazing times that changed the world. Director, Robert Stone, captures it all for us to see. Including never before seen footage, the film shows the true environmental crisis we faced back then and are still facing today.

Directors Bill Benenson and Gene Rosow, shed some light on all of us about the Earth's soil. How important it is and how we are destroying it. The way we treat dirt affects us all. Jaime Lee Curtis narrates this educational and eye opening documentary about how precious dirt really is.

Planet Earth
How could I not suggest this phenomenal series. Produced by the BBC and shown on the Discovery Channel here in the United States, this breathtaking production is far beyond the others. If you haven't seen it than please do. It is so worth watching!

The 11th Hour
With all the global disasters we have seen over our lifetime it is no surprise that Earth is unhappy with us. The 11th hour explores this issue. How we are destroying the planet and what will happen if we don't stop. Leonardo DiCaprio narrates this thrilling documentary on what could happen next unless we start changing today. Joining him are many professionals and scientists like Stephen Hawking that hope to shed some light on how we see life.

So check these few films out and get a little closer to loving the planet.

Lean and Green

In the April issue of Vegetarian Times they have a Q&A with Mark Bittman, a food columnist for The New York Times. He also wrote a book, Food Matters: A Guide to Conscious Eating. In the interview Mark explains why people should move toward a vegetarian diet. He states that by eating less animal products one can lessen their carbon footprint and help the planet as well as get healthier. Bittman says that a non-vegetarian lifestyle is certainly not sustainable. If we keep this going, the world will be raising 120 billion animals a year by 2050. Hold crap! This cannot happen. Eventually, we would need more land that is actually available and our recourses would not be able to handle it. In simple terms, the planet will not be happy and neither will we.

Bittman also gives advice on other things you can do to better your life and I am not surprised that he said stay away from processed crap. This is what I say all the time people! Maybe when you hear professionals say it to you will listen. He recommends that people cook more and eat real food. Trusting the food industry to put healthy food in your family's mouths is stupid. Only you can provide what is best for you and your loved ones. By purchasing organic and natural fresh foods and cooking yourself you are a huge step ahead of the game.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Gardening Tips

Spring is here and summer is just around the corner. Time to get your gardens ready! Here are some tips to help you all out.

Lettuce - when growing lettuce remember to plant them near tall growing plants such as tomatoes so they get enough shade. Don't forget to keep the dirt moist at all times.

Tomatoes - Roma tomatoes are sweeter than the beefsteak so they make a great sauce. Be careful when buying plants for your garden. If they are too mature they might not adjust to your soil properly. Also, vine ripened tomatoes carry twice as much vitamin C as the ones that are picked early and ripened artificially. If you didn't know, these yummy veggies help keep your eyes healthy and protect against some types of cancer!

Eggplants - Even though they need a full season to grow, the Japanese eggplants ripen faster. In this case you can buy a plant that has already formed.

Onions - I LOVE onions! These guys are great for your health as well. They contain special compounds that keep your hair, nails and skin strong and also help your digestive tract! Containing calcium, vitamin C, folic acid and potassium onions are way better for you than you think! Scallions are one of my favorites too. They are very easy to grow and go well with a lot of dishes. Tip: one seed will only get you one scallion so make sure when you eat them, cut the white root off and plant it back in the soil. It will take about three weeks to regenerate. You will get plenty of beta-carotene and vitamin C from these guys!

Peas - Make sure you get those stakes ready because peas tend to grow very tall. Especially, sugar snap peas which are great for stir fry's and pasta dishes. They remain their crunch and are less stringy than snow peas.

Bell Peppers - The colored peppers are more sweeter than the green ones and less gassy! They are more colorful because they are more mature. They may take all summer to ripen but are worth the time and effort. Just buy mature plants instead of seeds. Make sure they are organic! Peppers are usually the most expensive at the market. So grow your own and save tons of dough. Eat these for vitamin C, potassium and fiber!

Celery - This veggie can be used in many dishes from soups to salads and is great for you too. They not only provide folic acid and potassium but they also are rich in silicon which helps your bones and tissue stay strong. They grow easily in planters in case you don't have much space.

Cucumbers - These plant very well and definitely give back. You will be sure to have plenty of cucumbers all summer long. The best time to pick them is in the morning when its a little bit chilly. Cucumbers are quite refreshing due to their high water content. When not peeled they are a great source of silicon, potassium, folic acid and vitamin C.

Carrots - Plant carrot seeds in a tightly packed line so they grow uniform in size. Keep an eye on the plants because you will have to weed out the bad guys. This should leave a good carrot every five inches or so. Carrots are a great source of calcium, potassium and fiber.

Green Beans - These grow very well in heat but hate cold nights so try to wait until the weather stays at a nice 60 degrees before planting these babies.

Basil - Watch the flowers as they bud and snip them off before they bloom to keep the leaves tender and fresh.

Oregano - Once these bad boys gets a growing you will have more than enough for the summer. All you need are one or two good plants and your set.

Chives - Just by planting these in your garden once will bring them back year after year. Try Garlic Chives for their subtle garlic flavor and edible white flowers. They are a good source of beta-carotene, vitamin C, calcium, iron, folic acid and potassium. Who knew! Chives go great on baked potatoes, yummo!

Cilantro - Watch these during the hot summer. They don't last too long in direct light so you will have to repeat the planting process a couple of times but the plants grow quickly.

Dill - Always keep dill separated from the other herbs due to cross pollination. You don't want any crazy things growing in your garden! Try the Fernleaf Dill which are more compact and last longer during the season than what you normally find in the market.

Parsley - This herb goes well with any dish and carries a whole lot of iron, beta carotene, calcium, vitamin K and potassium to name a few. It also helps to freshen breathe! Parsley grows best in full sun and loose soil that is rich and moist.

You can also check out these sites for more information:
National Gardening Association
Organic Gardening
You Grow Girl
Veggie Gardening Tips
Container Gardening Guide
Vegetable Gardener
Organic Herb Gardening

Here are some great places to get seeds:
Seed Savers
Rare Seeds
Heirloom Seeds
Heritage Harvest Seed
Target also sells organic seeds for less than $2 a pop!

Have a lot of veggies from your garden? Too many? Check out Veggie Trader to share and sell them with your neighbors! You can also share tips on I Dig My Garden with other garden lovers.

Information attained by:
Food Network Magazine - May 2010 Issue
Raw Energy by Stephanie Tourles

A Little Pick Me Up

A reader sent me some information that I thought would come in handy for all of you who feel tired throughout the day. Its a daily insight from the Yoga Journal which is a great place to gain some rewarding advice. This one mentions you should not run to sugar or caffeine to get a boost of energy, like most people do! Instead take a walk outside, catch some sun, do some yoga or take some deep breathes of fresh air. Makes sense, right? Quick fixes like sweets and coffee aren't fixing anything. They actually cause your body to crash and often leave you feeling even worse than you did before. In addition, they are addictive. Two great reasons to avoid them.

So the next time you are feeling a little blah, open a window and breathe in that fresh air. Do some stretching and get that blood flowing! Remember, you're body needs to move around. If you are stuck at a desk all day than take these few easy tips and take short breaks throughout your day. Not only will it improve your mood but it will keep you on your toes!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Eco-Friendly Picks

I am always on the lookout for new products and food items. Here are some cool products to check out that I came across recently.

Natural Glow Facial Towelettes
Gentle, biodegradable and natural, these facial wipes are sure to freshen you up anytime of the day. Made with organic cucumber , aloe vera and Dead Sea minerals they are perfect for sensitive skin.

Vie Luxe Soy Candle
Scented with hyancinth and narcissus, this soy candle will make any room happy. The glass holder is recyclable and the candle is biodegradable.

Water Bobble
This water bottle has everything you need at no cost to the Earth. Not only does it have a filter attached its BPA free, recyclable and reusable. Its also made right here in the USA.

Sprout Watch
Not only is this watch cute but its made out of corn resin, bamboo and organic cotton. The packaging is recyclable and the battery is mercury free. And its only $30!

Loop Works - Laptop Protector
Made from 100% upcycled nylon neoprene this cover is big on protection and sustainability. It comes in white and yellow and has two zippered pockets for anything you want to carry.

IPhone Mojito
This case is great to hold your IPhone or IPod Touch along with money, credit cards and more. Made from vegan leather and microfiber lining it is friendly to the Earth as well. Check out the other products at this store too!

Hiding Behind Our Words

I recently read an article In VegNews that got me thinking. It was about how people hide behind words and use a more comfortable language to define what they are eating. It is so true. Colleen Patrick-Goudreau is right when she says, "we tend to sugarcoat what we eat with language that conceals what we're actually putting in our mouths". I am sure this has crossed my mind before considering humans have been doing it for centuries. Hell, I even did it when I ate meat. But the more I think about it the issue really gets under my skin.

We all know the terms hamburger, steak, bacon, pork, etc. No one goes to a restaurant and orders dead cow or pig flesh. However, that is exactly what they are eating. It is much easier for people to say and hear the titles we have given dead animals so we enjoy eating them more. Colleen says it perfectly by adding, " when an animal lays dead on the side of the road, we call it a carcass, but when an animal lays dead on our plate, we call it dinner". It is a total contradiction! Does this imply that humans who eat meat are pussies for not speaking the truth? Or are they just weak in justifying their meat eating actions?

The use of false titles when describing animals keeps you more unaware of the horrible things that are involved. It also lessens the animals dignity and existence. We see them as commodities rather than the beautiful creatures they really are. Hence, the fact that you are all hiding behind words. When people talk about vegetables and natural foods they say exactly what they are. There is no need to make up a different word for carrot or potato. That would be silly. So vegetarians can smile in their freedom to speak truth of what goes into their bodies. There is no need for them to hide behind language to feel better about their actions or to conform to society. "One of the joys of becoming vegetarian is that there is no need to euphamize, assuage, pretend, or romanticize", states Goudreau. I totally agree!

So for now on I am going to speak the truth. If someone talks about meat I will use the proper words and correct them. Let's see if they feel comfortable eating dead cow flesh the next time they order a hamburger. Maybe as they explain how good their steak is I can say, "good, its always tasty when rotting dead flesh hangs out in your body". You think they still would want dessert? This will simply be a test to see how people react. It just might be fun! If you are up for it, try it out as well. I would love to hear some feedback from readers as to what reactions they get. This should definitely be interesting.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Why is America So Damn Fat?

Obesity is a huge problem in our country and everyone knows it. Why is it that people in America are the fattest among other countries in the world? There have been tons of studies and research done to help figure this issue out but its no secret why 75% of Americans are overweight. For one thing, we have way too much food here. Secondly, we consume too much. I really feel that its kind of disgusting how people just buy, spend and eat without thinking twice about it. Talk about waste. This country has enough of it. Besides all that, there are a number of reasons that factor in to this “why are we the fattest country?”, question. I read a great book a couple of years ago by Kevin Trudeau. In this book I came across a lot of information that changed my life. One chapter is dedicated to why people are fat and I want to share with you what I have learned from reading it.

One thing we all know is that if one has a slow metabolism they will gain weight quicker. This is due to certain organs not working properly. So if this is you than you really need to figure out why something is not functioning as it should. Here are some reasons why you may have a slow metabolism:

Hypoactive thyroid, this means that your body’s process to converting food to energy is slow. One main cause of this is fluoride. Here in America there is fluoride in the drinking water. We are one of the only countries who insist on putting this garbage in our water. Not only is it a contributing factor to our obesity problem but it has been found to cause cancer, lower IQ, change bone structure and strength, impair the immune system, cause birth defects, increase lead exposure and cause osteoarthritis to name a few. Is there a reason it is in our water! This is crazy. Children seem to be more susceptible to the dangers so take extra caution around your little ones. Make sure your toothpaste is fluoride free as well! I have listed some products that are safe to use in earlier posts so check them out and do some safe shopping!

Another cause may be problems with the pancreas. If your pancreas secretes insulin at a much faster pace (which is commonly found in overweight people) take a good look at the food your eating. Considering you are in bad health I think its time to start eating better anyway! Many food additives and refined sugars cause this pancreatic problem. Most of these additives aren’t used in other countries. Why America? Do you really think big business cares about us? No, they don’t. That is why its important to eat natural and organic food and use only the best natural products in your home. Its the only way to beat the system and live a toxic free life.

Two other causes of an under active thyroid is a clogged liver and a slow digestive system. The liver is a vital part of your body. It detoxifies and helps things run smoothly. If your liver is clogged that is a bad sign. What causes this to happen you ask. Well, to name a few: prescription and over the counter drugs you have taken. Specifically, drugs to reduce cholesterol. Again, fluoride plays a part as well as chlorine. All food additives, artificial sweeteners, refined sugars and preservatives as well. This doesn’t surprise me at all. Once again the pharmaceutical companies prove to be sneaky and harmful as do major food companies and brands. As far as having a slow digestive system, well, if you don’t produce enough enzymes your food will not convert properly to energy. This resulting in a lot of stored fat. Yuck! This is caused by candida yeast overgrowth. I know, it sounds gross. Once again you can thank antibiotics for this one. When you take medicine it kills the flora in your intestines which allows candida to live happily ever after. It slowly gets to your colon then spreads to the cell walls which in turn slows down your digestion.

Hmm, so what you put in your body is the main factor in causing a slow metabolism. Who knew! Its really ones own fault why they may be overweight. People need to learn to have some control on life and not let society lead them in the wrong direction. One more thing that can cause obesity is exercise. That should be common sense. People need to have strong muscle. I don’t mean go ahead and start lifting weights like a bodybuilder. Please, that is disgusting and not healthy at all! But to walk 2 miles a day and exercise for 30 minutes 3 times a week, now that is something everyone can do. It will make such a difference and you will feel 100 times better.

So now we can go over the other reasons why people are so damn fat.

1. Eating when you aren’t hungry - people do this because they are stressed, have emotional issues or simply crave food. Go to therapy, get happy and stop eating crap!
2. Having a large appetite - this is due to yeast overgrowth and lack of nutrients that your body is unable to produce. On top of that it could be the horrible additives in the food you are eating which increase your hunger.
3. Hormonal imbalance - if you are overweight your body can be secreting too much of a certain hormone rather than release an even amount of all. This can be caused by the lack of exercise and toxins in the body.
4. Eating large portions - Another huge problem in this country. We eat too much! Serving sizes should be smaller and packaging should be smaller size portions. In Europe, snacks and candy come wrapped up about 30% smaller than American sized packages as well as serving smaller restaurant portions. Try buying smaller dinner plates so you won't eat too much.
5. Diet food - Its funny how most diet food actually makes you fatter. Yep. its sad but true. If you notice that a lot of “diet” foods out there are low fat, sugar free, low carb, light and lean. Well, all this is garbage! They may say these things to lure you to buy them, which you do, but its all a lie. These so called “healthy foods” contain artificial sweeteners, chemical additives and lots of sugar. So in the end, these foods make you hungrier and want more. Before you know it, poof, your fatter than you were before!
6. Toxins - when you are overweight you are highly toxic. Your body tries to dilute the poisons and you retain water which increases the stored fat. Have you ever noticed that people who take lots of medicine become bloated and fat over time? There you go!
7. Eating before you go to bed - Plain and simple, when you eat before bed your body does not burn it off because your metabolism slows down. If you must eat something than try some fruit or granola.
8. Growth hormones - Another reason why people should eat natural food. If meat is not natural and organic there is close to a 100% chance they were injected with growth hormones to speed up production. Eat a lot of meat? You are injecting yourself with these chemicals! What the animals eat will only go into your body. could anyone feel comfortable with that! Just the thought of these poor animals being treated like that makes me upset. The best thing to do is stop eating meat altogether!
9. Having a fat vision - This plays on the mindset of obese people. If you think about your weight a lot than you will become what you are thinking.

I hope that this will help you whether you are overweight and want to do something about it or just want to live a healthier life. Again, the food companies and big business do not care about its consumers. Wake up people! Only you can make a change for the better and its no one else’s fault but yours if it doesn’t happen. Be strong, have confidence and take care of your body and mind. Living smart is key to being toxic free.

How to Start Living Green

Some people think that living green is a hard lifestyle to maintain. It isn’t. You do in fact need to make changes and be more aware of your environment. Now if that is too hard to do than I would question your priorities and the everyday choices you make. Not to be judgmental but there is a certain responsibility that we all have as humans to take care of our planet and live the best lives we can. If we don’t understand the importance of that than we are in big trouble. Now is the time to change your life for the better and finally feel a sense of pride that you never thought you could. Its 2010 people. It’s never too late to try to become the person you never thought you could be.

The first thing to do is take a look at your life and see what you can change asap. Whether its buying natural and organic food or taking a walk instead of driving, taking baby steps is perfectly fine. You want these changes to be fun and exciting! And with a positive view and peaceful state of mind you will get there. You must realize that a lifestyle change such as this one will also change who you are as a person. That is the true meaning of being green. Having the eco-friendly vision everyday come natural and not thinking twice about an earth-friendly decision. Its about realizing that you, the people you love and the earth are worth much more!

Here are 10 easy simple ways to get started. You can do them at your own pace and take the time you need. The more you start doing, the more you will be comfortable with your new lifestyle!

Recycle & Reuse: I am surprised when I hear that someone does not recycle. Shame on you! If everyone in America recycled we could decrease the waste in landfills by 75%. Sounds good to me! Another way to recycle is to reuse. Bags you get from the grocery store, packaging, rags to clean and even refilling your ink cartridges for your printer. These all make a difference.

Take a shorter shower: You can conserve more than 10 gallons by just shortening your showers by 2 minutes. Not to mention your water bill! Just think how much that would be if everyone did the same.

Junk Mail: We all get crap in the mail that goes straight to the garbage. Instead of throwing it out recycle it instead. If you want to reduce your junk mail or rid of it forever you can register with the Mail Preference Service. It only costs $1 and you can do it online. Its that easy so there is no excuse! Just go to

Curtains & Blinds: During summer and winter keep your blinds closed. That will keep your house cooler when its hot out and warmer when its cold. By doing this you can reduce your energy needs up to 25% and save on your electric bill!

Use fewer napkins: When you are out try to take 2 -4 napkins instead of 10. We all do it. You go to the movies and get popcorn. Well you need tons of napkins because of the butter! Do your best to conserve and more than a billion pounds of napkins could be saved from landfills each year!

Subscribe to magazines: You could save up to 75% off the newsstand price if you simply subscribed. Plus, who wouldn’t want the convenience of coming home to your favorite publication! About 60% of the magazines at stores aren’t sold and wind up getting dumped. What a waste!

Unplug electronics: Not only will you save money but tons of energy as well. Surprisingly enough, even though they are turned off your electronics are still using 10 - 15% of energy. Just unplugging your TV alone can save more than $1 billion in energy bills if we all did it.

Carpool to work: If it is possible, try to hitch a ride with another coworker or even a friend that may work in the same area. You would save hundreds of gallons of gas and not to mention the $$ in your pocket. Another plus of carpooling is less traffic. We don’t need any more cars on the road or any more road rage!

Pay your bills online: Why waste money on stamps and envelopes when you can pay all your bills online. Thats the convenience of the internet! Take advantage and save time and money.

Paper or plastic: The best solution is to use reusable bags. Nowadays, every retail store sells them and they are usually under $5 so its worth it. Plus they are stronger and more reliable. But if you have to choose one than go with paper. And don’t forget to recycle and reuse!

I hope that you can follow these steps and have fun in the process. Just think about all the great choices you are making and the difference you are able to achieve. With these 10 steps you are well on your way to an eco-friendly life!

Food Rules

My previous website, d+eco, was a great place for me to blog about all the issues that Revolt is about. Considering the site is not running anymore I wanted to take a look back at some of my posts and share them here. I know a lot of you did not get to read them and I feel they are very important for everyone to see. So this post is one of them. Enjoy!

I recently purchased a great book from author Michael Pollan and I wanted to share it with you. It is called Food Rules and I feel it is highly important for everyone to get it. It is set up in three sections: What you should eat, how you should eat and what kind of food you should be putting in your body. We all know that when it comes to food there are boundaries. Growing up we had our parents and grandparents telling us to eat healthy and stay away from the “junk”. Well, they were right. Except, nowadays “junk” is in everyone’s supermarket, pantry, fridge and table. You may think you are eating healthy but I can bet you aren’t. The so called Western diet is a huge problem in this country. We have ruined food. If we can even call it that anymore.

Every week you shop down the aisles of your local market and wind up buying chemicals, sugar, fats, disease and tons of other processed garbage. This garbage is being served on your dinner table and getting fed to your family. Don’t you think your family is worth a little more than that? You may know the facts but are you acting on them? Its time to be responsible for your body and health as well as the people around you. These days I just can’t believe that people don’t realize that about 90% of the food being sold in most supermarkets is toxic. How can you not know? I hate to call people stupid but hey, if the shoe fits. Im sorry, but if you are not aware of the major problem in this country than you need to wake up! Yes, it is a major problem. This Western diet is making the people of this country very sick and it needs to stop. Obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes are all caused by the food industry. Big business is selling you crap and they are making you believe that its good for you! WIth every commercial and every package they continue to lie because they know you will believe them. And you all are!

Well, I do not fall into the trap of deception and false advertisement. I do not let this industry take control of my life. I realize and know for a fact that they are all in it together and unless I take action and eliminate them all I will not be free. Free to be healthy and guilt free. I ask all of you to think twice about what you put in your body. Think about how people are getting sick and deteriorating due to the crap on the shelves and how much money they waste on medication and doctor visits to stay alive. It is not a coincidence! Unless you eat all organic and natural foods you are in trouble. You may think you are ok but most likely you aren’t. Here are some rules from Pollan’s manual that I ask all of you to read and consider. It is time to gain control back and feel the best you have ever felt. I promise that these rules will help you get there.

1. Avoid food products containing ingredients that no ordinary human would keep in the pantry.
2. Avoid food products that contain high-fructose corn syrup.
3. Avoid foods that have some form of sugar (or sweetener) listed among the top three ingredients.
4. Avoid food products that contain more than five ingredients. (this does not include ingredients in a recipe)
5. Avoid food products containing ingredients that a third-grader cannot pronounce.
6. Avoid products that make health claims as well as ones that include the words “light”, “low-fat” and “nonfat”.
7. Avoid foods that are pretending to be something they are not. (example: margarine)
8. Avoid foods you see advertised on television.
9. Stay away from the middle of the supermarket and shop in the fresh aisles.
10. Eat only foods that will eventually rot.
11. Eat foods made from ingredients that you can picture in their raw state or growing in nature.
12. Get out of the supermarket when you can and shop more at farmer’s markets.
13. Eat only foods that are cooked by other humans and not corporations.
14. Don’t ingest food in places where everyone is required to wear a surgical cap.
15. If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don’t.
16. Its not food if it arrived through the window of your car.
17. It’s not food if its called the same name in other languages. (example: Big Mac)

If you want to read more than you can purchase Michael Pollan’s manual on Amazon for $5. Yep, only $5!! So, there is no excuse. For $5, you can gain tons of important insight and change your life for the better. I would also suggest you look into Pollan’s other books for they are highly praised. Remember, by making these positive changes you not only stay healthy, longer, but you feel strong and more positive from the inside. If you continue to choose to be a victim of the food industry you are the only one to blame. I just feel bad for the people and children you are responsible for. They will all suffer from your bad habits and ignorance. Its time to stop this deadly cycle and evolve for change!

Other books by Michael Pollan: In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto, In Defense of Food: The Myth of Nutrition and the Pleasures of Eating, The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Second Nature: A Gardener’s Education, The Omnivore’s DIlemma for Kids: The Secrets Behind What You Eat, The Botany of Desire: A Plant’s-Eye View of the World, A Place of My Own: The Architecture of Daydreams, A Place of My Own: The Education of an Amateur Builder.

Books that Pollan contributed to: Food Fight: The Citizen’s Guide to a Food and Farm Bill, Voices of the Land

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Saving Every Penny

Last night Danny and I went to Stop N Shop real quick to pick up some almond milk. We haven't been there in awhile but having shopped there before I knew they had a pretty good natural/organic section. I was disappointed that they only had the almond milk in vanilla and chocolate, we like original, but was impressed with their selection and prices. In my last post I spoke about budgets and how we can all live an organic lifestyle. My visit to Stop N Shop just proves that a little more.

I love Whole Foods and will continue to shop there but I have found that some items we buy are cheaper at Stop N Shop. The whole idea of a budget is knowing what options you have. Never just confine yourself to one store to do all your shopping. There are three markets that I go to because they carry things I use at better prices. Even if it's $.10, it all adds up. Here are the few things I found from my visit to Stop N Shop last night.

- Quorn products are $4.79 which is $.20 cheaper than Whole Foods. It may seem small but when you buy at least 4 of these items like I do that adds up to $.80!
- Vitatop Muffins are $4.79 which is cheaper than most stores.
- Cliff Kid Chocolate Chip Energy Bars were $3.99 which is a big difference from Whole Foods $4.39.

You see this slight difference can help anyone on a budget. You need to be aware of what stores are selling and at what prices they are selling them at. Stop N Shop also had a very good selection of Amy's brand products at great prices! Since we didn't find the almond milk we wanted we drove over to Target and they had the Silk brand for $2.99 which is $.60 cheaper than other stores. That was the biggest deal of the night.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Support PETA

If you don't know what PETA is than you must live on another planet. They are one of the biggest animal rights organizations in the world and thank God they are here. I am a proud member of PETA and suggest you become one too. All it takes is a small donation and you can help them fight the fight! They have been doing such a great job since it started in 1980 and proves to be stronger each year. The organization has a huge list of accomplishments that you can view here. Recently, they got JCPenney, Calvin Klein, Donna Karan, Tommy Hilfiger and Ralf Lauren to stop making and selling fur permanently as well as convincing Wendy's, Burger King, Popeyes, Harris Teeter and Winn-Dixie to treat the lives of farm animals better. I know they are very in your face but honestly that is the only way things will ever change.

I received a letter today from Ingrid Newkirk, the president of PETA, like many other members have. It mentioned that PETA was going through some major issues and needed the help of its supporters. The letter focused on the attacks that are being made by the Center for Consumer Freedom. The company has pretty much started a war with PETA and is trying anything they can to bring them down. They are even trying to get PETA's tax exemption status removed! Who the hell do they think they are? Here are some examples:

Peta Crushes Its Own Credibility
PCRM: The Doctor Is Out (of Line)
Take a Bite out of PETA
What Is the Center for Consumer Freedom, and Why Is It Attacking PETA?
PETA And Terrorism: The Real Deal

You know it makes sense that people and organizations that are not on PETA's side will only try to bring them down. The food industry, big business and government have always been this way and they will continue to represent this country in a horrible manner. The people who want to make real change will just have to fight harder. Much like PETA has in the previous years. There are plenty of people who are against PETA and thats fine. Its a free country. But there are also millions who support them. Go ahead and read up for yourself. Remember that PETA is not the only animals rights organization out there. Here are some others:

Mercy for Animals
Animal Concerns
Born Free
Doris Day Animal League
Farm Sanctuary
Humane Society
In Defense of Animals
Last Chance for Animals
The National Anti-Vivisection Society
Vegan Action

Personally, I am sick and tired of all this shit. The bad people bringing the good people down. All this needs to change and I hope that someday all of the good ones will rise above the rest. Only then will this place be a better, more loving Earth.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Going Organic - Expensive or Not?

This weekend I hung out with some friends that I haven't seen in a while and we had some interesting conversations. Besides catching up we spoke about the food industry. The main issue I found that my friends had with eating organic foods was it is too expensive. My friend Steven in particular was concerned with the parents and single parents who cannot afford to eat organic foods especially with the present state of the economy. Well, I have heard this many times before. I can understand that issue and considering I was raised by a single mother and have a best friend who is one I know it can be hard. However, there is much more to it than money.

I think the real issue is not that organic foods are too expensive but that families are not prioritizing their lives in a way that allows them to live healthier. Although there are a lot of people out there who don't make a lot of money, I don't either, and I choose to make better decisions with the money I do have so that my family and I are healthy and happy. Learning to budget properly is a huge component of the equation. If you are not good at this than get some help. Look within your community to see if there are free classes or seminars you can take. You can also purchase books to help you or check out Suze Orman's website, she's good! You might even know someone that is much better at budgeting than you, ask them to help you out. In order to run a successful family and keep funds flowing in the right direction you must know how to budget. It's something you cannot escape!

So once you have that down than figure out what you and your family really needs. I am not talking about a $200 pair of shoes here people! That is not a necessity. Make a list of the things that you all can't live without and add them up. Now food is definitely one of those things. Not junk food, not fast food, not going out to dinner every night. Real food. It is time that you all realize that it is not that much more expensive to buy organic. We can all do it. But it also takes work. What I mean by work is cooking at home, sitting down with your family for meals and communicating. Not just shoving processed nasty food down their throats. Its time to stop being lazy. Get up off your ass and show you care! Everyone loves a home cooked meal. Why doesn't your family deserve to have that?

Right about now I can hear some of you saying, "I am just too busy to cook everyday. I have work and the kids and......", but sorry, its not an excuse. I don't want to hear it anymore. First of all, women are smart and tactical. We get things done! We were built that way and thats why we run the household. Men might not want to agree but its true. So its the women that have to step up and start the changes. Then the rest of the family can move along smoothly. Marriage is a team and if you don't work together the relationship and everything around it crumbles. It happens all the time. Single parents have it easier in a sense because they are in charge and what they say goes. Be strong, make better choices and live to see the positive results!

You also need watch your portion control. This is another major factor. Americans eat way too much! Just take a look around. Everyone is fat as hell. It's disgusting and its killing a lot of people. Once you get your portions corrected you won't need to buy as much food. Then you will have the room to spend a little more on organic items when its needed. It's really as simple as that!

So, to prove that going organic and natural is possible for everyone I have put a small comparison list together so you can see the difference. I hope that this allows you to be more open, creative and change for a better future. I am always here for any questions or advice as well. I happen to be great at budgeting money and will offer my services to anyone who asks, for sure. In order for people to change they need support, help and inspiration. That is what I am here for.

I do most of my shopping at Whole Foods so the organic prices are theirs. To compare them with conventional prices I looked around at other markets and took the general price of what I found. There are many other alternative markets out there that I encourage you to explore. I personally like Whole Foods because of its environment, the workers are cool and they have a wide range of options. They also list where the food comes from! Trader Joe's is another favorite of mine. Stop N Shop also has a very good organic/natural section in their market that is worth visiting. Don't forget about Wild By Nature.

Vegetables and fruit are important to a healthy diet. It's been proven that vegetarians are healthier than meat eaters and are less obese. Makes sense! Whether you are vegetarian or not it is wise to eat at least 3 meatless dishes a week. Not only are you benefiting you and your family but you are helping the planet as well. Whole Foods has a lot of good information about produce on their website in case you were looking to read up.

Organic Carrots - $1.29 lb. / C - $.89 lb.
Organic Peppers - $4.49 lb. / C - $1.34 each
Organic Scallions - $.99 / C - $.69
Organic Parsley - $1.29 lb / C - $99
Organic Onions - $1.99 lb OR 3 lb Bag of Yellow Onions - $2.99 / C - $1.00 each OR 3 lb. bag - $2.99
Organic 5 lb. Bag of Russet Potatoes - $4.99 / C - $3.49
Organic Iceberg Head of Lettuce - $1.99 / C- $1.79
Organic Frozen Broccoli - $1.79 / C - $1.79
Organic Diced Tomatoes 14.5 oz. can 365 Brand - $1.19 / C - $1.25
Organic Kidney Beans 15 oz. can 365 Brand - $1.09 / C - $.95
Organic Strawberries - $4.99 / C - $3.49
Organic Oranges 4 lb bag - $3.99 / C - $3.50
Whole Trade Bananas - $.79 lb / C - $.50 each

From this you can see slight differences in price but nothing that should keep you from buying organic. Peppers are usually the most expensive but if you saw how big the organic peppers are it would also make sense. Sometimes I only use half for a meal which cuts the price drastically. Fruit, especially berries will always be pricey. Thats why buying local and in season is best. Make sure you visit your local farmers markets! The differences in price are generally under $1.00 or none at all. Not bad so far! It is more important that you are eating fruits and veggies that are not contaminated than spending an extra quarter here and there. Supporting sustainable and local agriculture is what you would be doing as well and thats a reason to get a gold star!

Wherever you shop, dairy prices are costly. Its good to catch those sales but they are hard to come by. If you eat dairy than buying organic is very important. If it comes from an animal you should make sure that animal is a happy and healthy one. Not sick, sad and living on a bad diet with lots of antibiotics! The more I read about dairy the more I find out it is not that good for you after all. Although, you might have grown up thinking you need all that milk or your bones will shrink, it is all a lie. I will leave you with that. Today there are a lot of good alternatives I suggest you try. My boyfriend and I personally LOVE almond milk. Thats one dairy item down! Here are some price comparisons for dairy as well the better alternatives.

Organic 1/2 Gallon Milk - $3.69 / C - $2.19
Almond Milk 1/2 Gallon - $3.69
Organic 1 lb. Butter - $4.79 / C - $4.15
Organic Brown Large Eggs - $4.59 / C - $2.74
Earth Balance Vegan Butter Sticks - $3.49

Who doesn't love to snack! Finding healthy treats can seem hard if you know that most of them out there are basically crap. Here are some snacks that we are all familiar with alongside the better options.

Cheeze Its - $3.37 / Back to Nature Crispy Cheddars - $ 3.19
Wheat Thins - $2.95 / Back to Nature Crispy Wheat - $2.99
Wise Potato Chips - $1.88 / Organic Potato Chips with Sea Salt - $2.39
Tostidos Corn Chips - 4.92 / Garden of Eatin' Blue Corn Chips - $3.79
Fruit by the Foot - $3.00 / Kid Cliff Organic Twisted Fruit - 4.79
Planters Cashews - $5.14 / Organic 365 Brand Cashews 12 oz. bag - 5.99
Special K Bars - $2.99 / Cliff Kid Organic Z Bar - 4.39

You can also try snacks by LesserEvil. They are awesome!

Everything else
Organic Pasta - $1.99 / C - $1.39 (.99 at Whole Foods)
Organic Rolled Oats 18 oz.- $2.99 / Quaker Oatmeal - $2.99
Organic Ketchup - $1.99 / Heinz - $2.07
Organic Mustard - $1.99 / Gulden's - $1.80
Organic Flour - $4.69 / Gold Medal Flour - $2.99
Organic Sugar - $3.39 / Domino Sugar - $3.50
Organic Olive Oil 33.8 oz. - $13.99
Organic Blue Corn Taco Shells - $2.69 / Old El Paso - $2.29

Vegetarian Substitutes
These are so friggin good! I LOVE the company Quorn. Their products are the real thing, I promise! You can totally trick someone with their chik'n patties and crumbles. These substitutes are way better for you and are very easy to cook. I highly suggest you try them. All are $4.99 at whole foods. You can also check out Gardein.

Trader Joe's also has some really good items I would recommend you try:
Traditional Mariana Sauce - $1.29
Whole Wheat Flat Bread - $2.49 (Great for pizzas)

I hope that these comparisons help you out the next time you go shopping. The fact of the matter is, organic and natural foods may be slightly more money than conventional processed foods but not in all cases. In some its just by pennies and others it many close to $1.00. Nothing that should keep you from choosing the best option. The more we buy organic products they will become cheaper. If we want something the food industry will make it available. They want to make money and we want to spend it wisely. Keep in that in mind when you spend yours and move closer to becoming a part of something bigger and better. By doing the right thing and buying organic/natural products you are supporting what this country needs most, our health and planet!

Here are some articles you can read for more information on this issue:
Whole Foods Organic Butter Rises to the Top
Whole Foods Talks Dollars and Cents
Today Show Features Quorn
Organic Grocery Shopping on a Budget
ABC News: Daryl Hannah on Buying Organic

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Gardening Cuties

I came across this little shop, Monkeys Always Look, and absolutely fell in love with it. I had to share it with my readers. Spring is here folks! It's the perfect time to start your home gardens. Whether you have a backyard or a small terrace garden these adorable markers will make a great addition to any of them. She uses vintage silverware which I love not only because its recycling but it looks cute too. Vintage is the way to go! You can also get them personalized. Tell me that wouldn't make a great gift!

All items are made by Allison D. Cecil in California. She is an interesting woman who loves to make things and has a unique family. She is also a vegan! I highly suggest you check out her shop and take a look around. There is so much you will want to buy, I promise. Her creations have also been sold at Anthropologie. No wonder, she's awesome!

These are some of the other things I love from her shop:

Friday, April 9, 2010

Green Restaurants

I love when businesses take the proper steps to help the earth. It not only shows that being green is cool but that it is possible to run a successful company and take care of the planet at the same time. Here are some restaurants that explore being green.

Habana Outpost - Brooklyn, NY
Located on the corner of Fulton Street and South Portland Avenue you will find Habana, NYC's first eco-eatery. Open during all seasons except winter, this green restaurant uses solar panels for its energy, rainwater for its bathrooms and has recycled furniture for its customers to sit on. They also provide charging stations for your cell phones and laptops. Not to mention, the option to mix your own margaritas by riding a bike! Their menu is fun and interesting just like its environment. They only have a few vegetarian dishes but it is definitely a place you should check out. On weekends from 12 - 6 pm they open their outdoor market where you can find clothes, art and other unique items and they also have a kids corner complete with gardening, crafts, face painting and more. I love how they teach children about the earth and how to take care of it. If Habana seems like a good time to you, check out their site and read more of what they are about.

Uncommon Ground - Chicago, IL
If you like honey than this place will hit the spot. On the roof of this restaurant are four active bee hives that thrive naturally. They house over 195,000 bees! The fresh honey is used for most dishes on the menu and the bees have a new home. Producing about 40 pounds of honey a year I would say they are pretty busy. Owners Michael and Helen Cameron decided to help the bees find homes when they suddenly started to abandon their hives a few years ago. I think they did a great job! They are also the first restaurant to have a certified organic rooftop farm. How cool is that!

5 Seasons Restaurant & Brewery - Atlanta, GA
Not only does this brewery make natural, efficient beer but it has great food too. Their rainwater filtration system on the roof of the restaurant collects about 900 gallons of water each 30 minute pour. If you didn't know, rainwater has a lower pH and mineral content so its better for you. This resulting in really good beer! Owners Dennis Lange and David Larkworthy have a passion for natural foods and drinks and turned this idea into a very successful business. Not only is this place providing good food and service to the community it saves it about 3,000 gallons of water a month! Now thats being green.

Chipotle - Everywhere
If you like mexican food than you will love Chipotle. If you haven't eaten there yet than where the hell have you been? They are awesome. Their food is natural, fresh and delicious and they run their company in an eco-friendly way. Plus, their prices aren't so bad either. It costs $10 to feed my boyfriend and I and that my friend is smart eating. My favorite combination: burrito bowl with rice, extra peppers & onions, a little corn, tomatoes and cheese. Yummo! I found a good article that talks about all the green choices Chipotle has made so check it out. I promise you will be impressed! Ecofriend Don't forget to check out Steve Ells brief to the Senate about the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act. Chipotle is definitely evolving for change!

These are just some of the places that are taking the necessary steps toward a better earth. Do your research and see if there any places in your area that are green and doing their part. Here are a few more to add to the list and some websites to visit for more infmation:
Mixt Greens - San Francisco
Solar Roast Coffee - Pueblo, CO

Going Greener
Green Restaurant Association
Tree Hugger
The Great Green List

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Green Home

Making your home a green environment is not that hard. Whether you rent or own there are plenty of things you can do to help the planet as well as your wallet. Here is some info that could help you make the changes smoothly. Remember to always do your research and keep an open mind. Sometimes spending a little more now will save you tons later!

When it comes to appliances you should always look for ones that are the most energy efficient, reasonably priced and rank high on performance. Of course, you want one that looks good too! Nowadays that isn't a problem. With tons of new models and different designs you will be sure to find one that suits your home.

According to Consumer Reports the top green appliances to shop for are washing machines, dishwashers and refrigerators. If you are looking for a new component to add to your laundry room than front loaders ranked the highest in both efficiency and performance. For years they have been the best choice and are known to save up to $100 a year on your energy cost. They are also getting cheaper. Just know that they can do a lot of shaking so it might be best for it to be in the basement or on first floor. There will obviously be more bending involved but that never hurt anyone. Their smart pick was the GE WCVH6800(WW) priced at $750. To check out other great picks visit these websites: Consumer Search, Green Guide and Green Home.

What are the best solutions for getting those dishes clean? Nowadays, dishwashers are being made much better and more energy efficient. Some even use less than washing by hand! The only thing with this appliance is most of the highest ranked machines cost more money. You can definitely find one that is not too costly but it will probably use more water for each load. They recommend the Bosch Evolution 500 Series and the Kenmore Elite Ultra Wash HE both ranging between $800 - $850. For more choices and information you can check out these sites: Planet Green, Greener Choices and Inhabitat.

As far as refrigerators go your best option is to get one with a top or bottom freezer that doesn't include an ice or water dispenser. Although, the side by side styles are getting better, as of now they are not good enough so stick with the classic style. The only downside of choosing these green machines is they won't be big and fancy. I think that is something a lot of us can handle considering the greener it is the more money we save and the planet will be happier. Smart Picks are LG LTC22350 and Whirlpool Gold G9RXXFMW both in the $850 range. For more info go to: Greener Choices, Tree Hugger and Planet Green.

The Bathroom
Not only should the bathroom be one of the cleanest rooms in the house but it should be one of the greenest as well. Think of how many times you flush the toilet and wash your hands. Not to mention, taking a shower. Thats a lot of water! Today toilets have come a long way. Most of them only use about 1.6 gallons per flush which is a 2 gallon difference from 2005. Here are the best picks: Kohler Cimarron K-3609 and American Standard FloWise Cadet. They range from $300 to $445. Remember you can save around 650 gallons of water per year buying a green low flow model. Visit these sites for more info: Mother Earth News, Fox News and Green Living.

Shower heads are another great green product to buy for your bathroom. There are a good amount of choices out there that use enough water to give you a good flow but are still energy efficient. The ones with the best performance use 2.5 gallons per minute but there are others that use less and cost the same. I highly suggest you do your research before making your purchase. Here are the best picks: American Standard FloWise Dual Function Water Saving model which runs at about $50. It could save you up to 7,300 gallons of water per year!

Other ways to make your home eco-friendly are to substitute the things you use the most with greener options. If cooking is something you do a lot of than invest in some new cookware. Preferably ones that don't have PFOA, a chemical that is used in nonstick pans. If this sounds good to you than you might want to try Earth Pan and Starfrit. Another good choice is to use stainless steel. Read Planet Green for more information. Flooring is another important factor considering its used all over the house. The best choices are bamboo, cork and linoleum. They are all made from renewable recourses and last a pretty long time. Although, some may be pricey it pays off in the end. Look into these best buys: Eco Timber Woven Honey, Armstrong Locking Hardwood Bamboo Carbonized Natural, Montado Cork RK49001 Jisbula Cinnamon, Armstrong Marmorette Oak Brown.

Some easy fixes for everyone are lighting and paint. Even renters can benefit from this green option. Change up your regular bulbs for CFL's. They last 12 times longer and use 75% less energy! EcoSmart and Philips have some great products you should check out. Thinking about giving your home a makeover? Using low-VOC paints are the best way to go. Especially, if you have children and pets. They may be a little more expensive but you and your family's health is worth it. Plus, who likes the smell of paint? Can someone say headache! From my reading I found that Benjamin Moore Natura is a good buy. It doesn't have any VOC's and there are more than 3,400 colors to choose from. You will need to use a primer beforehand though. Fifty a gallon may sound pricey but I suggest you give it a try. You can also check out Green Planet Paints and Milk Paint.

Another thing to look out for when buying green products are labels. They might confuse you considering there are a lot out there. Who do you trust? Well, here is a quick look at some you might find familiar.

Greenguard - An independent group that does all testing themselves to make sure paint does not cross high amounts of VOC's.

Green Seal - They limit the amount of VOC's in flat paint to 50 grams per liter which is a strict standard. Also an independent company they limit non flat paint to 100 grams. You will have a hard time finding products with this seal in stores though.

Green Sure - By limiting VOC's in paints to 50 grams per liter and prohibiting other hazardous chemicals this group is moving in the right direction. However, they are a Sherman-Williams group and only test their own products.

Green Promise - This group is also company owned and only applies to its own products. Benjamin Moore runs this one folks. I like this one because they prohibit both VOC's in the paint and the compounds used.

I hope you can take this information and use it to make better choices for your home. Remember to always read up and do your research!