Monday, May 17, 2010

What is Your Carbon Footprint?

The planet is in dire need of our help. Even though we are the ones who have slowly destroyed it. How do you live your life? What do you do on a daily basis to be better? What is your carbon footprint? Take the test and see where you stand and make the necessary changes to live a more greener life. The Nature Conservatory has a quick test you can take right now!

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Mine came out to be 11 which is good because it is lower than most people. I know that I have to get better light bulbs soon. I haven't gotten them yet because we have so many in closet that have not been used and I do not want to waste them. Plus, we hardly use lights anyway. But I think I will either donate them or recycle them. Other than that I am on the right track! Once I have a house I can start composting and saving rainwater. I am so excited to do that. Another big thing I can do once I own a home is buying energy star appliances and green materials for the structure. This is all very important.

I came across this website that really inspired me. Cottage in a Day is a great idea and something I am highly considering for the future with Danny. They are made of all green materials and actually cost less than buying a house! We would just have to find some land which is tricky. But I have already started looking...

So take a look at your life and find out what you can do to make your day more efficient. Here are some simple tips to get started:

1. Take a shorter shower.
2. Don't run water when brushing your teeth.
3. Flush the toilet every other number one.
4. Drive less and walk more.
5. Keep the speed around 60 mph and you will save tons of gas and money.
6. Eat less meat and more veggies and grains.
7. If a clothing item does not smell and is not dirty than wait to wash it.
8. Turn off electronics when not in use and unplug when you can.
9. Recycle everything.
10. Shop and pay your bills online

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