Thursday, May 13, 2010

How You Can Change the World

People seem to think that just because they recycle and save energy they are environmentalists. These things may help in saving the planet but there is far more to do than that. The small things are easy and should be done all the time. At this point they should be common sense and done without even thinking about it. Its the bigger issues that people just don't get.

Being a vegetarian is the best thing you can do for the planet, yourself and all living creatures. This is proven through articles, films and books. Not only that, people have been going veg and vegan for centuries and it has only done positive things. Factory farms are killing the planet, period. Its a fact. In addition, millions of animals are tortured and killed. Not to mention, all the money and food we are wasting on feeding all those animals and the high amounts of antibiotics that are used. With the amount of food we grow here in America no one should be starving. Its absurd. Why can't everyone see that eating animals has no benefits?

I wasn't always a vegetarian but I played around with the idea. I have always been an Earth girl and lived as green as I could at the moment. Animals were a big part of my life as well. Having numerous pets growing up I enjoyed going to the zoo and other places where I could be around them. Even though I thought it sucked that the animals were behind fences and in cages I was so happy to see them. I can't help it. I am in awe of them all. But in most cases, this is just wrong. Animals belong in their natural habitat where they are comfortable and happy. Just like zoos and circus', factory farms are no place for an animal.

I don't care if you have eaten meat all your life. I don't care if your whole family eats meat. I really don't care if you think animals are here for us to eat. All these reasons are bullshit and only weak people use them to justify what they eat. I have had little influence on vegetarianism when I was young but I had my mother who gave me good healthy eating habits. These eventually led me to where I am today and I am very thankful for that. Knowing all the horrible reasons no human should eat meat really should be enough for anyone to stop. People need to get off their high horse and realize that we are all Earthlings. Just because we are human doesn't mean we rule the world.

When you bite into a hamburger think of the dead carcass you are really eating. Know that it will slowly rot in your stomach for days because we are not built to digest animal flesh. If you think of what you are really doing its pretty much cannibalism. We are all mammals so eating another human is the same as eating an animal. But you gotta love that fried chicken right! Yuck. Look down at your arm. Now picture all the veins, muscle, capillaries, blood, cells, etc...that are inside of it under your skin. Well, this is what you are eating when you eat a piece of chicken or having a steak. You cannot tell me that is appetizing because honestly it makes me want to puke. That poor chicken died for you and probably suffered in the process! Why are you so special, huh? No one is.

I just want everyone to see the bigger picture. Not only is the planet suffering from all of this, we are too. People are getting sick each minute, others die from disease, children are getting fatter by the hour and our topsoil is so destroyed from all the fertilizers and pesticides that we have lost a good percentage of it already. These are only a few. How bad does it have to get for everyone to stop? What do we have to do to show people the horrors of eating animals? There are so many alternatives out there that are healthier for you there is no excuse. Why would you stick with the choice that is literally killing people, animals and the Earth?

I am proud that I live a guilt free life. My choices do not harm a soul and are the best that I can make. The key to being a better you is simply that. Be better! Make better choices, eat better food, get a better job, find a better partner....these are things to think about. What can you do to make your life better, happier and healthier? But don't just think of yourself. Think of the bigger picture. What can you do now that will help everything around you? Its not as hard as you think it is. First things first, figure out what you believe in. If you believe in nature, as I do, than you should be doing things to live a more green life. If you believe that no one should suffer, like I do, than you should find alternative ways to do what you do and buy what you buy that do not support this. For example, using products that test on animals. This is a no no! If you buy products that do this you support the suffering of others. Its that simple. I love animals and do not believe they should be tortured in any way so I only buy products that are tested on humans. In addition, I do not eat them. Like I said before, its not as hard as you think.

I feel that a lot of people need to grow up and get over themselves. They are so consumed with things that just don't matter! It really makes them look ugly. I find this funny because the one thing they are trying to avoid is just that, not looking ugly. But they are. I sometimes look at people eating and its really gross. I know you're probably thinking, "well don't look at them". Yea, I know. Most of the time I don't and I can't. It really upsets me and makes me queasy to watch someone bite into a hot dog or cut into a steak. Its simply disgusting. But thats me!

Just think about it, thats all. Here are some great books you can look into that will really open your eyes to the truth. You can find some really great films on the Revolt site to see as well.

Animal Factory by David Kirby
Eating Animals by Jonathon Safran Foer
Slaughterhouse by Gail Eisnitz
Why Animals Matter by Erin Williams and Margo DeMello

Avoiding what is really happening is not only hurting you but its hurting everyone around you. Your friends, family, colleagues, kids, neighbors and even people you don't know. Our individual choices affect everyone on the planet. Once you know this and really see it than you will change. I wish you lots of luck!

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