Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We All Have the Power

I was watching Oprah yesterday and I was surprised and ecstatic when guest Will I Am paid off the mortgages of two families homes. With his own money! Then after listening to him talk I wasn't so surprised because deep inside this is what I expect from people who have large salaries. The entertainment industry is a vessel for all of us to step out of life and be somewhere else. Whether its music, a film, a book or a painting they all are amazing gifts that were born from creativity, inspiration and love. Three things that should be ruling the planet. Instead we have greed, selfishness and ignorance leading the way and its taking us nowhere. The fact of the matter is, people should not be making millions or even billions on anything! I don't care how hard you work. No one works that hard to earn that kind of money. Once people have that much they just want more of it. How disgusting can you be? I can't imagine living a lifestyle that needs to be supported by thousands of dollars. You do not need this to survive.

Will I Am is doing what I feel everyone with large salaries should do. Share it with the world and do some good. Will states that sure its good to raise money for charities but why not use his own money when he has it. Exactly! There are so many people who don't have jobs and can't provide for their families and its so sad. These are the people that know how to work for their money. Normal people trying their best to survive. Not trying their best to buy a $1,000 bag or a pair of shoes! That alone would pay 1/4 of my debt. It is so ridiculous. I really think that once you hit a certain mark with income you should get taxed a percentage that will go to people and businesses in need. This is what keeps the world spinning. We need to stick together and be a team. Isn't that what America is all about? Oh I forgot, its about money, houses, expensive clothes, plastic surgery, killing animals, destroying the Earth and having power over everyone else. This is what America has become people. It kills me to live among such atrocity.

Being an artist I understand first hand how hard it is to live life with not enough finances. Having a single mother growing up I did not have everything I wanted nor was I spoiled. I had what I needed to survive and sometimes extra because I had an amazing family who helped us. Because of this upbringing I learned that money isn't everything. It is here to help up move forward and have a stable life but it is not intended to bring power and superiority. It is just paper! I have always been a creative person so being an artist is what I was born to be. No questions asked. I knew when I was a child I was destined to do great things. Whatever stage of my life I was in I took the time to help people when they needed it and be there for others so they could have a friend, a listener or advice. My soul was always dedicated to communicating with other living creatures so harmony and stability can remain.

Now that I am 30, I look back on my life and see that as I evolved into who I am today, I grew into something better. Better for myself, my friends and family and the people that I can help. I have been through a lot in my time so why not share my experiences with others. Sharing is the key to healthy relationships. We need to share happiness, love, advice, knowledge, inspiration, creativity...the list goes on and on. We as Earthlings need these things to survive! It is in our blood. Humans and animals a like...this is how we are all the same. We see, feel, touch, hear and taste the same. We are alive and none of us have the right to take that gift away from anyone or anything.

My boyfriend and I may struggle with money but we still have a beautiful home, a lovable dog, a great amount of family and friends and each other. In other words, everything we need. And while saving for a house seems nearly impossible we still have hopes and dreams for the future. In between the bills and job searching, there is always room for lending a hand. This is why I started Revolt. For all of you. I have the ability to gather information that may be useful to all of you so why not share it. I use my time and money to build a platform for all to learn, share and gain better perspectives on life. Most of all, I use my heart. I live to do this, period. I always have and always will. When I am passionate about something I go all the way with it. At least as far as I can go with what I have at the moment! I live to make this planet a better place to live. I live to share what I know and help all living creatures make better choices and see the important things in life. The things that matter. I live to not only dream but to inspire others to do so as well.

It makes me so happy to know that there are people like Will out there making a difference. I know there are a lot out there who share and give their time to help others. We just need more! America needs to take a good look at itself and put its priorities in order because right now they are not where they should be, at all. We can all make a difference. If you think that by you doing something positive it won't change anything, you are wrong. Just think of how many people think like that. Nothing will ever change. We need to all do something! The real problem is people are not aware of the damage that is being done. They are suffocated by society and power. They are bogged down by money and greed. They are crawling because they are uneducated and homeless. If everyone was to do their part this would change. We all have the power to share. Let's show the world we can.

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