Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Five Important Organizations

There are a lot of crazy things happening in the world today. The war as we know it seems never ending and there are a lot of things we wish we could close our eyes to. Honestly, I wish they weren’t happening either but they are. Its 2010 and I am disgusted and saddened that certain issues are still not resolved. The behavior of many people in this country embarrass me as well. I feel that everyone is able to make a difference in the world if they unite and fight for what they believe in. My hope still remains in the American people to stand up, speak up and evolve for change. We need to remain strong and positive so that this country doesn’t sink into the depths of darkness. A place where greed, control and power reign. Keep your eyes open and do your research. This is our country. Our beautiful Earth. We need to appreciate our natural resources and all living creatures. Now is the time to be serious and make things happen!

Here are five organizations that are working hard to make a difference!

This non-profit organization is really making a difference that counts. It helps to bring clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. Having clean water is so important and every person on this planet should not be without it. On their website you can donate money to give water and build wells where they are needed. Just $20 can give one person safe drinking water for 20 years!

For more than 25 years this organization is the first to dedicate its services to food rescue. It collects millions of pounds of food from restaurants, grocers, farms and other segments of the food industry and delivers it to over 600 community food programs throughout the city. For free! There are more than 1.5 million New Yorkers living in poverty and City Harvest feeds over 260,000 of them each week. Thats what I call making a difference! Do your part by donating funds or food or even better, volunteer your time. The more volunteers there are, the more money City Harvest saves. Which means more hungry people get fed!

This national organization has a mission to build a green economy that is strong enough to lift people out of poverty. They work hard to create programs that increase quality jobs and opportunities in the green industry. They have the right idea! I encourage you to go to their website and read up on what they do and how they do it. What you can do is get involved. They have tons of information and resources to get you started.

This website is the battleground to fight back against Walmart. It includes facts, resources and information on the war against the largest retailer in the world. Their dirty list goes on and on and only gets worse. WIth issues like worker rights and wages, a horrible health care plan, slacking in security, product imports, law violations and negative community impact there is no surprise as to why people are fighting to change the system. This company is a pure example of what happens when greed and power get out of control. Shopping there and working there supports this behavior and it has got to stop! Not to mention, all our tax dollars going down the drain. Like we need any more of our money going to waste. You can thank Walmart for that too! Join the movement and spread the word. This will only help your community and make the world a better place!

If you haven’t heard of Peta than its time to wake up! This organization is the biggest animal rights group in the world. With more than 2 million members and supporters it continues to fight for the ethical treatment of animals and where they suffer the most: on factory farms, in laboratories and the fashion/entertainment industry. If you believe that animals have the right to live and shouldn’t suffer than check out Peta’s website and take a look around. There is so much to read and look at you will be overwhelmed so take your time. Help support animal rights and become a member today. For a small donation you can help Peta fight for suffering animals and make this world a better place to live in. Plus, you receive a welcome pack and their quarterly magazine, Animal Times. If you have a voice and want to be heard than get involved and help end cruelty to all animals!

These, among others, are great ways to make a difference in your lives as well as everyone around you. We all want to have a great 2010. In order for that to be successful we need to do the right thing. Don’t you think its time?

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