Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Visit to the Farm Sanctuary

I recently took a trip to Watkins Glen, NY to visit the Farm Sanctuary. I was very excited about this trip because I have been looking into the sanctuary for some time now and am very pleased with what they are doing to save farm animals. As my boyfriend and I drove up the dirt road to the entrance I was anxious to walk along the green grassy hills and meet all the animals. The education director, Michelle, was very nice to have set up a tour even though it was not a normal tour day. Our guide for the day was Renee, a well informative woman who expressed her love for animals with every word she uttered and every move she made. You could just see and feel how much they meant to her. Being a vegan since she was ten years old clearly proves her dedication and passion for the cause.

We first entered the People Barn where they hold all educational classes and films. The displays were nothing less of the truth and were shown in a manner that enabled the viewer to understand the issues on a unique level. Showing the gestation crates pigs are forced to live in, battery cages which hens are sadly constricted and veal crates that confine baby cows to a life of solitude away from its mother are all ways in which farm factories torture and harm all these adorable animals. Can you imagine yourself living in conditions like these? Its worse than being in jail. With no room to stretch or breathe freely how can any living creature be healthy and happy? They can't.

I enjoyed the area for children, Kids Korner, where they can learn the truth about the food industry and see for themselves that the way animals are treated is wrong and needs to stop. On Saturdays they also feature films so people can have a more visual sense of what is going on. Interaction is a major part of information and there is plenty of it at the Farm Sanctuary. The people are very nice and informative and make sure you enjoy your visit. There is also a bed and breakfast on the sanctuary where people can stay overnight. With all the surrounding beauty it would be hard not to! I am sure the vegan breakfast they serve all the guests are surely delicious as well.

My tour enabled me to get close to the animals and really get a sense of who they were. The cows were so peaceful. Laying around eating grass and happy as can be. This is where they belong. We then moved on to the sheep and goats which was one of the best parts of the tour. They were so playful and welcoming it was unreal. Head butts galore! One in particular really liked Danny and I and kept trying to push us over. So awesome. I will never forget the two goats laying together by the food. They were so sweet with each other. You see even animals have best friends!

Next up were the chickens and turkeys. I have to say I was surprised by the personalities of these birds. If you are one to think they do not have unique traits you are wrong. There was a great sense of togetherness as well as comedy. They all just went on with their day which for some was laying eggs. I never saw a turkey egg before, never mind seeing a turkey lay one! It was so cool. There was one female turkey who insisted we all hear its unique gobble and others that had such beautiful feathers I swear they were showing them off. Such character they all had. Especially, the big man! He so wanted me to take photos! You can see it in his eyes that he liked the attention. His head felt like a brain!

On the way to the pigs we stopped by the ducks, geese and more birds who were totally living it up. This is where I found a hen that was pulling off the cutest moves. She was giving herself a dust bath and rubbing her head into the earth. So cute! I have footage of this that you will have to wait to see but trust me, it was adorable. Renee said they do this often. Who knew? Maybe if we focused on learning about THEM instead of what they can do for us we would know what interesting creatures they really are.

Last but not least, we made a visit to the piggies! I love pigs and always wanted a piglet for a pet. These pigs were far from piglets though. Weighing up to 2000 pounds, these guys had the life. Most of them were laying around napping and one was digging in the hay for food. This made me laugh because the whole time we were there his head was buried in the hay. So funny! The smiles on all their faces made my soul light up with happiness. These kind creatures are so sweet and innocent. You just want to lay with them all day. Their bellies are super soft and I loved how they adjusted their bodies to get comfy. It reminded me of my dog Olive when she is trying to sleep. An animal will always be an animal whether they are our pets or not. They all have personalities and unique characteristics we should all be able to see. I am one lucky girl to have witnessed it all in one day!

Here are some facts I wanted to share with you. These and more can be obtained from the Farm Sanctuary website and literature in the People Barn.

- More than 50% of forests and rain forests worldwide have already been cleared for livestock grazing or animal feed crops.
- Livestock rearing results in the production of methane and nitrous oxide, gases known to contribute significantly to global
warming. Manure saturated fields introduce contaminants into the environment and water supply resulting in disease, sick-
ness and pollution.
- Children who eat a vegetarian diet live healthier lives because their diet prevents cancer, obesity, high blood pressure and
diabetes to name a few. They tend to live longer as well. A plant based diet gives them the essential nutrients to grow such
as fiber, antioxidants, protein, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.
- Over 70% of U.S. grain and 80% of corn is fed to farm animals rather than people. This amount can feed approximately
800 million hungry people.
- Factory farms are breeding grounds for harmful pathogens like salmonella and e. coli.
- Farm animals are usually prevented from engaging in instinctual behavior and live only a fraction of their natural lives.
- Approximately 10 billion farm animals needlessly die every year to fuel the food industry.
- Perceived as "threats" to human activity, vast numbers of coyote, prairie dogs and other wild animals who "interfere" with
livestock are killed every year by the Federal Government.
- More than 70% of the world's fish species are either fully exploited or depleted and researchers have warned that all fish
may be gone by the year 2048 if overfishing trends continue.

These facts themselves should want you to change and start living a better life. Not just for yourself but for all living creatures. If you don't think the way animals are treated in the food industry is wrong than I would question your self worth. It would be obvious to me that you don't think too highly of yourself. You see, whether you like it or not, we need the Earth to live. It does not need us. That's for sure! All we have done is destroy it. Animals are a part of the Earth, as we are. We are all earthlings. Just because we are human does not give us the right to take over and control everything we touch. Nor does it give us the power to torture and kill innocent beings for pleasure. And yes, if you eat meat than you take pleasure in its death. Sorry but its true.

You know the truth and you decide to support the horrible acts that go on everyday. I mean, damn, you are eating the results! I hope that the more you read and the more you see you can one day stand up to the food industry and big business and take control of what you put in your body. Stand up for yourself and all living beings by choosing a vegetarian or vegan diet and live a healthier, happier, guilt - free life. Like I said before, it was the best decision of my life. I choose to live positive and not support torture, disease and death. Unlike a lot of other people, I enjoy seeing animals happy. They are amazing creatures with hearts and souls that deserve the chance to live. I will forever spread the truth and support LIFE over greed and selfishness. I cross my fingers that one day you will all do the same.

For more information about the Farm Sanctuary and these issues you can visit their website: Farm Sanctuary

I will be posting my experience at the sanctuary in the next few days on Revolt TV. I will keep everyone posted!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


A lot of people tend to forget that lunch should be the second best meal of the day. What else is going to get you moving till its time to clock out! If you sit in an office all day, lunchtime is your chance to pick up some extra energy and stay productive. If you are out and about all day then a hearty, healthy lunch is vital to keep moving at a productive pace. I work mostly from home and when lunch time comes around I get excited. Not only because I am hungry but the food I have been eating lately really satisfies my taste buds. Choosing foods that have a generous amount of protein and grains will get you through the day with ease.

This was my lunch today. Quorn nuggets and brown rice. It's one of my favorite lunches! Packed with a total of 18 grams of protein and only 10 grams of fat this meal is great for lunchtime. Not only is it filling but super easy to make. I usually make a big portion of rice ahead of time so I have it for the week. ( I eat a lot of brown rice) Then just heat it up when I want to. I even eat it for breakfast. Don't be a prisoner to the breakfast food norm. It should be the biggest meal of your day and that doesn't mean you should load eggs, bacon, sausage and pancakes on to your plate. I can see you getting fatter by the minute if you do! You want to eat something that has nutrients and protein but not a lot of fat and cholesterol. Also, don't run from carbs. You need them just as much as protein. If you have a nice even mix you should be fine.

Here are some more lunch ideas for you or anyone in your family.

- Burritos: I combine brown rice, corn, peppers, onions, tomato sauce, Quorn veggie crumbles and cheese. Sometimes I add black beans to maximize the protein. Amy's and Evol make awesome burritos so check them out!

- Sandwich: Quorn chik'n patty on a whole wheat bun with lettuce and a little mayonnaise. You can also put some mozzarella cheese on it and its a whole different sandwich. Another great idea is to roast up some veggies in the oven or on the grill and place them on some italian bread or a whole wheat roll. I would suggest peppers, onions, broccoli, mushrooms and asparagus. Yummo! You can use the Quorn Chik'n Tenders to make an alternative chicken salad too. Just saute them, chop them all up and mix in some mayonnaise, salt & pepper, some fresh herbs and your good to go!

- Soup: You can make a soup out of anything! Get creative and get cooking. Make it on a Sunday and have a couple of lunches for the week. I love vegetable soup, tomato soup and broccoli and cheese soup.

- Pizza: Pizza comes in all different styles so you will definitely find one you like. Don't get stuck in traditional thinking! You can put anything on dough. I like to use whole wheat flatbread and add ricotta, mozzarella, peppers and onions. Yum! The best frozen pizza I have ever ate is Amy's. They sell for under $6 at Target and are worth every penny! I like the cheese pizza with organic flour and tomatoes.

- Salad: I love salad. My favorite is a simple house salad with feta cheese but there are tons of different ways to put together a salad. Whatever you like to eat, throw it in. Add nuts, fruits, veggies...the list can go on and on. Stay away from pre-bagged lettuce and go for the fresh romaine or iceberg.

These are just a few things you can eat for lunch. Don't forget the classics: PB & J and Macaroni & Cheese are always good. Amy's makes a great mac n cheese you should try. My boyfriend loves them. You can always eat leftovers too. When I cook (which is all the time!) I try to make more than we need so I have something to eat for breakfast or lunch the next day. It makes my day a whole lot easier! So eat a healthy lunch and I promise your day will run a little smoother. Snacks always come in handy too so add a couple of nutritious treats to your day and you will have a reason to smile.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Green Giving

I found a really good website, Forever Green Gifts, where you can purchase green gifts for just about anybody. Their prices are great too! When you have the time check them out and do some shopping. Here are some of my favorite items I found.

Monday, May 17, 2010

What is Your Carbon Footprint?

The planet is in dire need of our help. Even though we are the ones who have slowly destroyed it. How do you live your life? What do you do on a daily basis to be better? What is your carbon footprint? Take the test and see where you stand and make the necessary changes to live a more greener life. The Nature Conservatory has a quick test you can take right now!

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Mine came out to be 11 which is good because it is lower than most people. I know that I have to get better light bulbs soon. I haven't gotten them yet because we have so many in closet that have not been used and I do not want to waste them. Plus, we hardly use lights anyway. But I think I will either donate them or recycle them. Other than that I am on the right track! Once I have a house I can start composting and saving rainwater. I am so excited to do that. Another big thing I can do once I own a home is buying energy star appliances and green materials for the structure. This is all very important.

I came across this website that really inspired me. Cottage in a Day is a great idea and something I am highly considering for the future with Danny. They are made of all green materials and actually cost less than buying a house! We would just have to find some land which is tricky. But I have already started looking...

So take a look at your life and find out what you can do to make your day more efficient. Here are some simple tips to get started:

1. Take a shorter shower.
2. Don't run water when brushing your teeth.
3. Flush the toilet every other number one.
4. Drive less and walk more.
5. Keep the speed around 60 mph and you will save tons of gas and money.
6. Eat less meat and more veggies and grains.
7. If a clothing item does not smell and is not dirty than wait to wash it.
8. Turn off electronics when not in use and unplug when you can.
9. Recycle everything.
10. Shop and pay your bills online

Thursday, May 13, 2010

How You Can Change the World

People seem to think that just because they recycle and save energy they are environmentalists. These things may help in saving the planet but there is far more to do than that. The small things are easy and should be done all the time. At this point they should be common sense and done without even thinking about it. Its the bigger issues that people just don't get.

Being a vegetarian is the best thing you can do for the planet, yourself and all living creatures. This is proven through articles, films and books. Not only that, people have been going veg and vegan for centuries and it has only done positive things. Factory farms are killing the planet, period. Its a fact. In addition, millions of animals are tortured and killed. Not to mention, all the money and food we are wasting on feeding all those animals and the high amounts of antibiotics that are used. With the amount of food we grow here in America no one should be starving. Its absurd. Why can't everyone see that eating animals has no benefits?

I wasn't always a vegetarian but I played around with the idea. I have always been an Earth girl and lived as green as I could at the moment. Animals were a big part of my life as well. Having numerous pets growing up I enjoyed going to the zoo and other places where I could be around them. Even though I thought it sucked that the animals were behind fences and in cages I was so happy to see them. I can't help it. I am in awe of them all. But in most cases, this is just wrong. Animals belong in their natural habitat where they are comfortable and happy. Just like zoos and circus', factory farms are no place for an animal.

I don't care if you have eaten meat all your life. I don't care if your whole family eats meat. I really don't care if you think animals are here for us to eat. All these reasons are bullshit and only weak people use them to justify what they eat. I have had little influence on vegetarianism when I was young but I had my mother who gave me good healthy eating habits. These eventually led me to where I am today and I am very thankful for that. Knowing all the horrible reasons no human should eat meat really should be enough for anyone to stop. People need to get off their high horse and realize that we are all Earthlings. Just because we are human doesn't mean we rule the world.

When you bite into a hamburger think of the dead carcass you are really eating. Know that it will slowly rot in your stomach for days because we are not built to digest animal flesh. If you think of what you are really doing its pretty much cannibalism. We are all mammals so eating another human is the same as eating an animal. But you gotta love that fried chicken right! Yuck. Look down at your arm. Now picture all the veins, muscle, capillaries, blood, cells, etc...that are inside of it under your skin. Well, this is what you are eating when you eat a piece of chicken or having a steak. You cannot tell me that is appetizing because honestly it makes me want to puke. That poor chicken died for you and probably suffered in the process! Why are you so special, huh? No one is.

I just want everyone to see the bigger picture. Not only is the planet suffering from all of this, we are too. People are getting sick each minute, others die from disease, children are getting fatter by the hour and our topsoil is so destroyed from all the fertilizers and pesticides that we have lost a good percentage of it already. These are only a few. How bad does it have to get for everyone to stop? What do we have to do to show people the horrors of eating animals? There are so many alternatives out there that are healthier for you there is no excuse. Why would you stick with the choice that is literally killing people, animals and the Earth?

I am proud that I live a guilt free life. My choices do not harm a soul and are the best that I can make. The key to being a better you is simply that. Be better! Make better choices, eat better food, get a better job, find a better partner....these are things to think about. What can you do to make your life better, happier and healthier? But don't just think of yourself. Think of the bigger picture. What can you do now that will help everything around you? Its not as hard as you think it is. First things first, figure out what you believe in. If you believe in nature, as I do, than you should be doing things to live a more green life. If you believe that no one should suffer, like I do, than you should find alternative ways to do what you do and buy what you buy that do not support this. For example, using products that test on animals. This is a no no! If you buy products that do this you support the suffering of others. Its that simple. I love animals and do not believe they should be tortured in any way so I only buy products that are tested on humans. In addition, I do not eat them. Like I said before, its not as hard as you think.

I feel that a lot of people need to grow up and get over themselves. They are so consumed with things that just don't matter! It really makes them look ugly. I find this funny because the one thing they are trying to avoid is just that, not looking ugly. But they are. I sometimes look at people eating and its really gross. I know you're probably thinking, "well don't look at them". Yea, I know. Most of the time I don't and I can't. It really upsets me and makes me queasy to watch someone bite into a hot dog or cut into a steak. Its simply disgusting. But thats me!

Just think about it, thats all. Here are some great books you can look into that will really open your eyes to the truth. You can find some really great films on the Revolt site to see as well.

Animal Factory by David Kirby
Eating Animals by Jonathon Safran Foer
Slaughterhouse by Gail Eisnitz
Why Animals Matter by Erin Williams and Margo DeMello

Avoiding what is really happening is not only hurting you but its hurting everyone around you. Your friends, family, colleagues, kids, neighbors and even people you don't know. Our individual choices affect everyone on the planet. Once you know this and really see it than you will change. I wish you lots of luck!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We All Have the Power

I was watching Oprah yesterday and I was surprised and ecstatic when guest Will I Am paid off the mortgages of two families homes. With his own money! Then after listening to him talk I wasn't so surprised because deep inside this is what I expect from people who have large salaries. The entertainment industry is a vessel for all of us to step out of life and be somewhere else. Whether its music, a film, a book or a painting they all are amazing gifts that were born from creativity, inspiration and love. Three things that should be ruling the planet. Instead we have greed, selfishness and ignorance leading the way and its taking us nowhere. The fact of the matter is, people should not be making millions or even billions on anything! I don't care how hard you work. No one works that hard to earn that kind of money. Once people have that much they just want more of it. How disgusting can you be? I can't imagine living a lifestyle that needs to be supported by thousands of dollars. You do not need this to survive.

Will I Am is doing what I feel everyone with large salaries should do. Share it with the world and do some good. Will states that sure its good to raise money for charities but why not use his own money when he has it. Exactly! There are so many people who don't have jobs and can't provide for their families and its so sad. These are the people that know how to work for their money. Normal people trying their best to survive. Not trying their best to buy a $1,000 bag or a pair of shoes! That alone would pay 1/4 of my debt. It is so ridiculous. I really think that once you hit a certain mark with income you should get taxed a percentage that will go to people and businesses in need. This is what keeps the world spinning. We need to stick together and be a team. Isn't that what America is all about? Oh I forgot, its about money, houses, expensive clothes, plastic surgery, killing animals, destroying the Earth and having power over everyone else. This is what America has become people. It kills me to live among such atrocity.

Being an artist I understand first hand how hard it is to live life with not enough finances. Having a single mother growing up I did not have everything I wanted nor was I spoiled. I had what I needed to survive and sometimes extra because I had an amazing family who helped us. Because of this upbringing I learned that money isn't everything. It is here to help up move forward and have a stable life but it is not intended to bring power and superiority. It is just paper! I have always been a creative person so being an artist is what I was born to be. No questions asked. I knew when I was a child I was destined to do great things. Whatever stage of my life I was in I took the time to help people when they needed it and be there for others so they could have a friend, a listener or advice. My soul was always dedicated to communicating with other living creatures so harmony and stability can remain.

Now that I am 30, I look back on my life and see that as I evolved into who I am today, I grew into something better. Better for myself, my friends and family and the people that I can help. I have been through a lot in my time so why not share my experiences with others. Sharing is the key to healthy relationships. We need to share happiness, love, advice, knowledge, inspiration, creativity...the list goes on and on. We as Earthlings need these things to survive! It is in our blood. Humans and animals a like...this is how we are all the same. We see, feel, touch, hear and taste the same. We are alive and none of us have the right to take that gift away from anyone or anything.

My boyfriend and I may struggle with money but we still have a beautiful home, a lovable dog, a great amount of family and friends and each other. In other words, everything we need. And while saving for a house seems nearly impossible we still have hopes and dreams for the future. In between the bills and job searching, there is always room for lending a hand. This is why I started Revolt. For all of you. I have the ability to gather information that may be useful to all of you so why not share it. I use my time and money to build a platform for all to learn, share and gain better perspectives on life. Most of all, I use my heart. I live to do this, period. I always have and always will. When I am passionate about something I go all the way with it. At least as far as I can go with what I have at the moment! I live to make this planet a better place to live. I live to share what I know and help all living creatures make better choices and see the important things in life. The things that matter. I live to not only dream but to inspire others to do so as well.

It makes me so happy to know that there are people like Will out there making a difference. I know there are a lot out there who share and give their time to help others. We just need more! America needs to take a good look at itself and put its priorities in order because right now they are not where they should be, at all. We can all make a difference. If you think that by you doing something positive it won't change anything, you are wrong. Just think of how many people think like that. Nothing will ever change. We need to all do something! The real problem is people are not aware of the damage that is being done. They are suffocated by society and power. They are bogged down by money and greed. They are crawling because they are uneducated and homeless. If everyone was to do their part this would change. We all have the power to share. Let's show the world we can.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Yoga in NYC

Attention all you yogis out there! There is a great event happening in NYC next month that you should all try to make. Summer Solstice in Times Square is a yoga event celebrating what else, the Summer Solstice. Just imagine being a part of something that is life changing for all to see. Yoga is awesome, period. It has so many great benefits and allows your inner you to shine more than ever. Thanks to the Times Square Alliance this event is made possible in one of the most hectic places in the country!

Registration is FREE but you have to sign up now! There are three sessions: morning, afternoon and evening and only two are available due to the amount of people getting involved. I am already registered for the 12:30 Bikram and can't wait. My mother and some friends are meeting me there so why not join me too! If you are interested in attending you can sign up at the website below. Don't forget to let me know so we can all stretch our way to a better body, mind and soul together!

Solstice in Times Square

Friday, May 7, 2010

Eco - Cleaners

Using natural and organic cleaning products in your home is very important. Most of the stuff out there on the shelves are toxic and shouldn't be anywhere near a living creature. If you have to wear gloves to protect your skin when using a certain product, there is something wrong! There are so many natural cleaners out there it is very easy to find one you like. Personally, I love Seventh Generation, Mrs. Meyers and J.R Watkins to name a few. In the new issue of Real Simple they tested cleaners and I was happy to see that natural choices were on top of the lists! Here are some they (and me) suggest.

All Purpose Cleaners

Best Anti - Germ: Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface
The main ingredient in this cleaner is thymol which is an extract of thyme. It has a strong scent but cleans and disinfects at the same time. It kills over 99.99% of household germs including Influenza, HINI and Salmonella. I love this product and use it in my home. Especially, the kitchen. For under $3 you can't go wrong. Their bathroom cleaner is great too! You can find most of their products at Target stores and

Most Addictive: Parsley Plus by Earth Friendly Products
This surface cleaner has a nice parsley scent and brings freshness to your home naturally and safe. The #1 PET bottle is 100% biodegradable and for about $5 you can get 22 ounces which is a great deal.

Most Luxe: Murchison - Hume Counter Intelligence
With a name like this one you know it will be pretty pricy. Made with all organic ingredients this "counter intelligence" series is created from water, sugar cane, coconut oil and fragrances such as juniper berry and australian white grapefruit. I love the label and the bottle! This cleaner is very grande folks. You can find it at the Murchison-Hume for about $12.50.

Best Unscented: Better Life What-Ever! by Better Life
If the name wasn't enough reason to buy it, this all purpose cleaner is not tested on animals, is gluten free & hypoallergenic and is also safe for marine life. If that wasn't enough it is proven to remove more germs and bacteria than other conventional cleaners. It comes in natural sage and citrus scents too. Loaded with water, coconut oil, vegetable based oils and plant based amino acids this product is strong on dirt but easy on the earth. You can find this and other Better Life products at


Best Smelling: J.R. Watkins in Lemon
This scent is my favorite! I try to buy it in every product its available because it smells so friggin good. The packaging of all J.R. Watkins products are great as well. Smart design is always inspiring. Especially, when it comes from a company who has been making natural products for over a hundred years. You get 35 wipes for about $7 and might find it cheaper at Target. I totally trust this company and have used their products so they are Revolt approved!

Best Bang for Your Buck: Clorox Green Works
I don't use any of Clorox's products only because since they make better cleaners now they should get rid of all the crap they still sell. But if you want to use their products than go ahead. Its good that they are trying. Ingredients in these wipes are corn and coconut oil and other natural sources. For $6 you get a whopping 62 wipes so it will save you money.


Aromatherapeutic: Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day All Purpose
I personally recommend this product because it smells great and works like a charm. I recently bought it to save money on cleaning products and I must say it was a smart investment. Although it was about $8, I can use it for everything in my home. I poured 2 capfuls into an old spray bottle filled with water and go nuts. I clean my floors, countertops, furniture and even glass with it. I swear it will last me months! The cleaner has a mix of natural oils so you can relax while you clean. I bet you can guess which scent I choose...lemon of course!

Mildest Scent: Ecover All Purpose Cleaner
Another lemon product that in not only refreshing but cleans with the power of nature. It's not tested on animals, safe for aquatic life and completely biodegradable. I have used Ecover fabric softener and absolutely loved it. I would definitely try more of their products. You can find them at Target and other retailers.

For more products check out the May issue of Real Simple.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Five Important Organizations

There are a lot of crazy things happening in the world today. The war as we know it seems never ending and there are a lot of things we wish we could close our eyes to. Honestly, I wish they weren’t happening either but they are. Its 2010 and I am disgusted and saddened that certain issues are still not resolved. The behavior of many people in this country embarrass me as well. I feel that everyone is able to make a difference in the world if they unite and fight for what they believe in. My hope still remains in the American people to stand up, speak up and evolve for change. We need to remain strong and positive so that this country doesn’t sink into the depths of darkness. A place where greed, control and power reign. Keep your eyes open and do your research. This is our country. Our beautiful Earth. We need to appreciate our natural resources and all living creatures. Now is the time to be serious and make things happen!

Here are five organizations that are working hard to make a difference!

This non-profit organization is really making a difference that counts. It helps to bring clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. Having clean water is so important and every person on this planet should not be without it. On their website you can donate money to give water and build wells where they are needed. Just $20 can give one person safe drinking water for 20 years!

For more than 25 years this organization is the first to dedicate its services to food rescue. It collects millions of pounds of food from restaurants, grocers, farms and other segments of the food industry and delivers it to over 600 community food programs throughout the city. For free! There are more than 1.5 million New Yorkers living in poverty and City Harvest feeds over 260,000 of them each week. Thats what I call making a difference! Do your part by donating funds or food or even better, volunteer your time. The more volunteers there are, the more money City Harvest saves. Which means more hungry people get fed!

This national organization has a mission to build a green economy that is strong enough to lift people out of poverty. They work hard to create programs that increase quality jobs and opportunities in the green industry. They have the right idea! I encourage you to go to their website and read up on what they do and how they do it. What you can do is get involved. They have tons of information and resources to get you started.

This website is the battleground to fight back against Walmart. It includes facts, resources and information on the war against the largest retailer in the world. Their dirty list goes on and on and only gets worse. WIth issues like worker rights and wages, a horrible health care plan, slacking in security, product imports, law violations and negative community impact there is no surprise as to why people are fighting to change the system. This company is a pure example of what happens when greed and power get out of control. Shopping there and working there supports this behavior and it has got to stop! Not to mention, all our tax dollars going down the drain. Like we need any more of our money going to waste. You can thank Walmart for that too! Join the movement and spread the word. This will only help your community and make the world a better place!

If you haven’t heard of Peta than its time to wake up! This organization is the biggest animal rights group in the world. With more than 2 million members and supporters it continues to fight for the ethical treatment of animals and where they suffer the most: on factory farms, in laboratories and the fashion/entertainment industry. If you believe that animals have the right to live and shouldn’t suffer than check out Peta’s website and take a look around. There is so much to read and look at you will be overwhelmed so take your time. Help support animal rights and become a member today. For a small donation you can help Peta fight for suffering animals and make this world a better place to live in. Plus, you receive a welcome pack and their quarterly magazine, Animal Times. If you have a voice and want to be heard than get involved and help end cruelty to all animals!

These, among others, are great ways to make a difference in your lives as well as everyone around you. We all want to have a great 2010. In order for that to be successful we need to do the right thing. Don’t you think its time?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Recycle and Reuse

We all have stuff we don't need or want anymore. Why throw it out when there are plenty of people out there that could use it. Just because something may be garbage to you doesn't mean it is to someone else. I always think of where my stuff is going. Besides recycling paper, plastic and aluminum everything else in your home has a place it belongs as well. Giving to charities and goodwill is a great way to add good karma to your belt but always ask your friends or family if they need anything you are getting rid of too. You never know, that plaid shirt you outgrew might look great on your little cousin!

Here are some places you can check out for all your "getting rid of" needs. Remember, there is always a place for your trash and it's not the garbage!

Clothes & Shoes

- If you have old work clothes you don't need anymore or outgrew some of your business gear donate them to people who don't have the money to buy them. Dress for Success helps women around the world look professional on job interviews and Clothes The Deal takes garments and gives them to individuals who can't afford them. Another good organization to look into is Career Gear. They help men look good on their interviews and hopefully get the job!

- For all you ladies out there that are planning on throwing out a dress you aren't into anymore, think again. Visit Donate My Dress and help other girls look beautiful. Whether its an old prom dress or just a simple summer dress all is welcome. Also, check out the Princess Project. Their website is so cute!

- We all grow out of sneakers and even though some may not be worn out we still get rid of them. If you are like me than you tend to buy shoes, never wear them and get rid of them when they are brand new! There are so many people out there who can use a pair of kicks so lend a hand and share the goods. Nike is doing a great thing with their Reuse-A-Shoe program. They take old sneakers and recycle them to help make playgrounds, basketball courts and other sport related surfaces. For more information go to Nike. One World Running and Soles 4 Souls give people in need something to wear on their feet. You can also purchase a pair of kicks at Tom's Shoes and they will donate a pair to children you don't have any.

- Everyone outgrows their coats. Just think of all the jackets your kids go through! The organization, One Warm Coat, is working hard to make sure that everyone has one. Go to their site and find a local coat drive so you can help. Now I hate fur coats for many reasons. The main one being a number of animals suffered for it. If you have one or inherited one donate it to the Humane Society. Their Coats for Cubs program helps orphaned and ingured animals in sanctuaries by giving them comfort. I would say burn it but if it will help animals than that is the better choice!

You can also go to Pick Up Please and they will come to your house and pick up clothes you want to donate for free. It can't be easier than that!


- For all you photographers out there donate an old camera to the Kid Camera Project and they will help kids in New Orleans through art therapy. What a great idea! You can also give old cameras to Global Classroom Connection and they will donate them to schools all over the world. Just make sure it still works! If you include your email address they will even send you a photo of the children who received your gift. Now that is awesome. You can also check out Picture Tomorrow and Kids with Cameras.

- If you have an old computer you want to donate visit the World Computer Exchange and you can help developing countries become more educated about technology. Another company, NextStep, recycles old computers by reusing them. They have helped to recycle more than 6 million pounds of waste so far! Through the Recycling Network you can pick who you want to donate to which is pretty cool. Some companies offer free recycling as well. If you buy a computer from Apple, which I recommend that you do, they will recycle your old one at no charge whether its a PC or Mac. They will also do it for a $30 fee if you don't buy a computer. Dell will recycle any of their products for free and there are Sony drop off centers that you can leave your old large Sony electronics.

- Now that everyone has an IPod what do you do with all those cds? You can send them to Discs For Dogs who will resell them and give all profits to the SPCA and help toward the prevention of cruelty to animals. I like that idea! You can also send them to Green Disk, CD Recycling Center of America or make something cool out of them.

- Cell phones are always replaced so there is no excuse not to donate them or recycle them properly. If you go to Collective Good you can pick from a number of charities where you want it donated to. Also, go to Recycle My Cell Phone, Cell Phones for Soldiers and American Cell Phone Drive.

- If you have mp3 players to recycle send them to Recycle for Breast Cancer. They will take all kinds of electronics and they give ou prepaid shipping labels.

Also, check out Recycling for Charities and Gizmodo and to get cash for your electronics go to Gazelle, Youre New, Buy My Tronics and Next Worth. Keep an eye out for a new "Mail Back" program by the United Postal Service. They provide free envelopes for the item you are recycling and makes sure it goes to the right place. Although, it is only in 2 states right now there is word it will spread so cross your fingers!

Everything Else

- How many of you have an old bike just sitting in the garage or the shed out back? Well, the International Bike Fund is where you can find many places to recycle it. You can also visit Recycle a Bicycle.

- I have so many books that I haven't even read them all. Being a collector I will not give them up. But there are some that I just don't need. I am sure you all have some that you can give away too. If its children's books you are ready to donate than go to Book Ends. They accept kids books and give them to schools in Los Angeles. Books For Africa and The Global Book Exchange sends books worldwide. If you want to sell them you can try Amazon, Cash 4 Books, Textbook Wheel and Book Scouter.

- There are a number of charities that take cars as donations, even if they don't run anymore! I know selling your car is the first option, especially with this economy, but if you feel like doing some good than rethink your options. Try visiting Donate Car USA and you will find tons of charities in your area that you can donate to.

- For all you eye glass wearing men and women out there do not throw out your old specs! New Eyes for the Needy helps people in developing nations by giving them everything from glasses to hearing aids. If you go to OneSight you will find many drop-off locations to donate your vision ware as well.

So you see, there is a place for everything. Even things you don't want anymore. Be kind to the earth and recycle and share your goods with people in need. Not only do you make more space in your closet but you help fill someone else's.