Thursday, December 22, 2011

A 28-Day New Start

The New Year is right around the corner and what better way to get prepared than to learn some great tips on how to start fresh. According to Dr. Oz, if you are going to do anything, it should be these next 28 things. I agree they are all fantastic and will surely revive your body and life for 2012 and beyond. Follow these tips and you will be on your way to a healthier lifestyle and happier soul.

Drink Green Tea - filled with antioxidants, green tea can lower bad cholesterol and even help reduce the risk of some cancers. It even promotes weight loss.

Eat Dark Chocolate - the flavonols in cocoa help improve circulation and filled with antioxidants. It may also help your vision!

Love Your Heart - cook more foods that support a strong heart and helps blood flow. Some of these are tomatoes, garlic and lima beans as well as foods with high omega-3s.

Forgive Someone - it has been shown that forgiving someone can help lower blood pressure and reduce negative emotions such as anger and anxiety.

Memorize a Poem - use your brain and get it working! Start with a poem and move forward from there.

Have More Sex - not only does having sex boost your immune system it makes everyone happier. So even if your single, give yourself a treat once in awhile will ya!

Keep Track of Your Snacks - studies show that when people write down what they eat, they actually eat less.

Sweat - get your body moving! Whether its a full workout or just a 30 minute walk, all movement is good movement. Not only will you feel better but you will look better too.

Sleep More - proper sleep is so important. You should get at least 7 hours but shoot for 8.

Meditate - learning to meditate can help lower your cholesterol and calm you down. Give yourself a few minutes a day to take a breath and relax.

Don't Eat Before Bed - eating at night can help you gain weight so try to stay off the snacks 2 hours before bed.

Eat the Right Portions - to help with this start using smaller plates. Remember you should have more veggies and whole grains than protein. For a quick guide check out the new food pyramid.

Count Your Steps - its recommended you take 10,000 steps a day so get moving. Using a pedometer is the best way to keep track. Some good ones to check out are the Fitbit, Omron and S2H Step.

Interview Your Relatives - talking to your family and asking them questions about their medical history can help you learn more about what your genes carry. In addition, any diseases or illnesses that run in the family will be out in the open.

Take The Right Pills - it is recommended you take a multivitamin, calcium with magnesium and vitamin D.

Calculate Your BMI - this is your body mass index. To get it just divide your weight (lbs) by your height (in) then squared. Take that number and multiply it by 703. If your BMI is between 25 and 29, you are overweight. If you have 30 or higher, thats a bad sign and means your obese.

Tweak Your Daily Routine - switch to caffeinated coffee, eat a snack after you workout and leave your windows open for fresh air when the heat or air conditioner isn't on. Caffeine can actually lower your risk of cancer and eating protein or carbs after a workout helps repair muscle tissue. As for fresh air, the EPA suggests getting a lot of it. They also say indoor air can be five times more contaminated that outside.

Eat Popcorn - popcorn is full of fiber and is only 90 calories for 3 cups! Now thats a great snack.

Eat a Better Lunch - use smaller containers, mix up your veggie choices and beware of the low-fat label. Sometimes people will eat more of something because it's low-fat so don't let the label get ya!

Stick to the Same Breakfast - tests show that people maintain a healthier weight by eating the same thing for breakfast everyday. So remember not to skip the most important meal of the day and keep it healthy!

Clean Out Your Pantry - thats right, get a garbage bag and purge! Get rid of all the crap and take control. Try to stay away from foods that end in ose and ol, they are additives and sugars you don't need.

Call a Friend - keep your connections close and talk to a friend on a daily basis.

Floss - flossing is important for your teeth and your body. Bacteria can get into your bloodsteam if you don't!

Peek at Your Poop - I know, I know, but its important to see what's coming out so you know what's happening inside. Here is a quick guide to help you out: red - bleeding in the lower gastrointestinal tract, green - crohn's disease, cream - gallbladder dysfunction, white - pancreatis & pancreatic cancer, black - bleeding in the upper gastriontestimal tract.

Say No - its important you make time for yourself and this means saying no when needed. If you don't, the stress hits and thats no good for anyone.

Stretch - stretching is absolutely important! Not only will it help your flexibility but it will make you stronger too. Go yoga!

Snack Healthy - snacking is fine as long as its a healthy choice. There are plenty of great options out there. You just have to look!

Spread Kindness - this should be self explanatory. When you help other people and spread positive vibes, it makes the world a better place.

To read more on the article check it out on Oprah's website. I hope you all have a great holiday and happy new year!!

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