Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Embracing Change

How do you change and evolve for the better? Can change be possible? I feel that any change is a step forward. Your future is what you make of it. Don't hesitate to question yourself because you should question everything. Trust is rare and saved for the true. What is the right way to live? What may be good for one person may be horrible for the next? You have to live for your happiness. Doing right by the Earth and treating yourself with respect is key...and we all know that. It's time everyone gets off their fat asses, jumps down from their high horse and bring the love to reality. You may not realize, but the war we are all fighting will never end unless we come together and share our voices. It's time we all show them who's boss.

You are your own entity. You breathe like all of us. You have a right to a chance. Not just a chance, but the option to take that chance. Life is handed to all of us on a plate. Literally. Breathing creatures suffering for taste buds and greed. Hearts stop pounding so you can scarf down a burger. Helpless animals cry for their lives just because you want to eat their flesh. Does that sound appetizing to you? I read something recently that repeatedly used the word carcass when talking about animal meat. And you know what? Its true. Is it really worth all the pain and suffering. Poor Mother Nature weeps every time the dirt is poisoned with their chemicals. Yearning for the fresh sunshine. Soon...it will come.

There is something out there that is bigger than all of us...and we are living on it. We are breathing it in. We are diving into it and exploring its depths. For something that seems to fascinate us so much, we sure are killing it faster than ever before. Its really simple. Its easy as pie. Just stop. Say to yourself that you want to live a life that holds grace in pride. Standing up proudly to support love and a positive future. Life is supposed to be simple. We make it so hard. I say, bring it all back to basics.

Embracing change with a smile :)

Better Food Choices

I have to say I am very happy with Working Mother's April issue. In their "let's eat" section they list better food choices for you and your kids. Here is what they had to say.

Better Breakfasts for Kids
Ian's French Toast Sticks $4.60
Kashi Honey Sunshine Cereal $4
Horizon Natural Little Blends Yogurt $3.50
Amy's Steel-Cut Oats $2

Better Breakfasts for Moms
Kashi GoLean Crisp! Toasted Berry Crumble Cereal $3.90
Fage Total 2% Yogurt $2.50/7 oz cup
Amy's Breakfast Scramble Wrap $2.80
Bear Naked Fruit and Nut Granola $4.90

Better Lunches for Kids
Rico M. Panada Baked Empanadas $3
Happy Tot Organic Meals $1.20
Ian's Twisty Mac & Cheese $3.50
Applegate Farms Organic Chicken Strips $8.30

Better Lunches for Moms
Campbell's V8 Garden Vegetable Blend Soup $3
Michael Angelo's Natural Vegetable Lasagna $3.60
Applegate Farms Chicken Pot Pie $4.70
Amy's Indian Mattar Paneer $4.80

Better Dinners for the Family
Putney Pasta Shrimp Pesto Skillet $9
Amy's Roasted Vegetable Pizza $7.30
Sea Cuisine Mediterranean Crusted Salmon $7
Michael Angelo's family meals $7.80
Annie Chun's Organic Chicken & Vegetable Potstickers $4.50
Kashi Margherita Pizza $6
Bertolli Mediterranean Style Pastas $8

Now what I like about these suggestions is that they are all natural and some organic. Everywhere you look there will be something telling you that this is the way to eat healthy. Processed foods need to be thrown out the window! Now just be aware that just because something says "natural" or "organic" it doesn't mean its healthy. You really must read all the ingredients in everything you buy. I know this may be a pain but you don't really have a choice. There are simply not enough laws that protect you and the food you eat. Companies are allowed to sneak up to 20 or more ingredients in their products and do not have to include them in the ingredient list! Can you believe that? This is why I say do not trust the USDA. Simply buy organic and read all the labels! You should be all good if you stick with with that.

Out of all these suggestions that Working Mother listed Revolt highly recommends these few: Amy's, Bear Naked and Applegate Farms. You are on your own with the rest. I also came across these articles while researching the companies above. I am sure you will want to read them before buying anything!

Horizon Organic Milk - Is it all just lies?
Recall Alert - Happy Tots Baby Food
Getting to the Meat of the Matter
Campbell's Soups New Labels

Teaching Your Children About Real Food

Teaching children about food and where it comes from is so important. Now, more than ever, we must get our kids involved. Make them aware of the natural amazing foods that the Earth gives us and teach them the benefits of all these yummy treats. They need to know that vegetables, fruits and grains are the most healthy and beneficial foods they can eat. You need to get this in their heads while they are young so as they grow up they can see the difference between the "real" food and the "processed" food. Being a parent is such an important job. If you don't do this for your children than no one will. Don't depend on your schools or your community to do your job for you! Take responsibility NOW and do what is right for your kids.

A great way to do this is to have a garden of your own. Get your children involved in the growing process so they can see first hand how awesome it is. They will get excited, believe me. Once they see how something grows they can appreciate it more. Then when they see how the plant can be cooked in so many ways it will allow them to get creative and hopefully inspire them to learn more.

I came across some great games you can get that will help you out with this issue. What child doesn't love games! Check these few out and be on your way to spreading the garden love.

Eboo - Gathering Garden
This board game for 5 yrs and up is such a cute way to get your children excited about fresh food & plants. The game itself is made out of recycled materials and no plastic. Love that! The game shows your kids to collect flowers, veggies and more from vendors and gather enough items for their garden. The first one to get home first wins. Im sure your kids will love it. At $9.00 you can't go wrong!

Ravensburger - Mystery Garden
This game is all about what is what. Its suggested for 4 year olds and up and not only teaches your child how to think and ask questions but also how to place a name on things. The artwork on the board itself is beautiful and the rules are fairly simple. Someone plays the Secret Keeper who picks up picture tiles to view the photo (something on the board). Then the other players have to ask simple yes and no questions to try to guess what the picture is. Which each correct guess the player wins the tile and gets to move ahead in the game on a 15 rock path. Fairly simple and highly educational. A great combination! You can purchase this game for $12.00 on Amazon.

Ampersand Press - The Garden Game
Another great game to check out, The Garden Game focuses on science and nature in more of an educational way. This one is more for kids ages 8 and up and celebrates the seasons. Cultivating their own gardens your children will learn how to feed the soil, plant seeds, nurture the plants and harvest. Even celebrate at harvest festivals and help other players through natural disasters! What a great way to teach them about the realistic issues they would have to deal with. I am all about that! The winner must save the most seeds and plant the largest garden. Not only will this game be fun but it will get your kids excited about farming. It also won 2 awards; Dr. Toy Award in 2002 and the Dr. Toy Best Vacation Children's Products Winner. I highly recommend this one! Right now its on sale on Education Learning Games for $24.99. You can also purchase it on Gardening with Kids for $29.95.

Happy Shopping and Happy Growing!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Truth about the USDA

Ok readers. Brace yourself. I have said for many years that this government does not take care of its people. Greed is power and power is money. The sad circle of how this country is run. I am sorry to tell all of you that the only way to make it in the world is to trust no one. Put aside your loved ones. We are told that we can trust our government to do what is right. We are told that we can trust in the health organizations to lead us in the right direction. Well, the mother of all groups is the biggest fraud of them all. The USDA is just another bullshit organization that is killing us slowly. The secrets also prove that the Republican party is once again the culprit behind it all, supporting this horrible, nasty and immoral behavior. You are all assholes!

I am going to make this as simple as I can. When I came across this information it really pissed me off. Even more than I already am about big business and government programs. I am at the end of the line here. The only responsible and realistic conclusion is to avoid everything they are a part of and trust no one.

The Facts
The USDA was founded in 1862 by Abraham Lincoln and was created to help farmers exchange information. Now, for some reason, all that got thrown out the window and they are responsible for the safety of meat, poultry, and egg products. It's also a funny coincidence that most employees of the USDA are also connected to the meat and dairy industry. Before 2005, the secretary of the USDA was forced to resign due to federal charges of accepting illegal corporate gifts from numerous companies. Fascinating! One of these companies was Tyson and they had to pay $4 million in fines for the act. Thats it. If I was in charge they would be out of business.

Ann Veneman, who was Secretary of Agriculture during 2001 to 2005, is another loser. It is said she is connected to producing the bovine growth hormone (BGH). Great! She also hired staff that used to work for the Cattlemen's Beef Association, a former president of the National Pork Producers and others from the meat packing industry. Now thats someone I can trust! Today she is the Executive Director of UNICEF. Woopee! I also have to mention that the years she worked for the USDA the presidency was under the Bush administration. I am not surprised.

The USDA is also a huge slacker. When mad cow disease was discovered in 2003, only 20,000 cows out of the 35 million slaughtered in that year were tested. Wow! They really care, huh? But of course they wouldn't do what is right. If more cows were discovered with the disease than the ranchers couldn't sell their meat. Resulting in loss of money. Do we really expect them to take our health into higher consideration than their profits? What the USDA did do was ban the feeding of meat to live cattle. Big woop! They still allowed calves to feed on cattle blood. Now think of all the hamburgers and steaks you ate among those years. I hope you are disgusted.

Within our government, rules are not rules. They are words that are not followed. They keep documents and information confidential when they should release it to the public and they allow the food industry to do whatever the hell they want. When greed is running a business that is a big problem. When that business controls what we eat then that is a scary thing. I don't want you to think that there aren't any good people out there because there are. They just get buried among the rest. In 1998, there was a federal lawsuit filed against the USDA and the Department of Health and Human Services concerning their so called Dietary Guidelines. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine claimed that laws were violated because the USDA selected 6 people that were financially connected to the food industry to serve on the committee. All being tied to the meat and dairy sectors.

Got milk? Well, if your lactose intolerant you obviously shouldn't be consuming dairy. Not that any of us should. But what do you always see? Advertisements and health organizations saying you need to drink milk for calcium and strong bones. You don't! If thats not bad enough they created Lactaid and other drugs so that you still drink dairy even though your body is telling you not to. More money in their pockets and more of your health going down the drain! At $19 billion dollars a year or more, the milk industry seems to be pretty happy. But their cows are suffering with every sip you take. Once the cows milk is done producing, usually after 10 pounds, they continue to get milked. How would you like it if metal clamps milked your breasts till they got 100 pounds out of them? Ouch! You can imagine the puss that would form and how sensitive their udders would get. Well, all that puss is going into the milk and you are drinking it. Pasteurization does not kill all the bacteria or viruses that may be in the liquid. Now go ahead and drink a yummy, cold, creamy glass of milk and think about the poor, tortured cow who suffered so you can have a cup of something that isn't healthy for you anyway! Milk is intended to help babies grow. Not adults. That is why we breast feed while we are little and then stop before 2 years old. Did you know that we are the only species who drinks milk when we are adults?

If this next bit of info doesn't piss you off than I don't know what will. In 1999, a beef plant in Texas failed salmonella tests done buy the USDA. About 47% of the beef contained the virus. Just keep in mind that this also means the meat contains high levels of fecal matter which just by itself contaminates the meat. Well, the USDA continued to purchase the meat and distribute it to schools. To make it worse, the company from which they bought all the meat from was the nation's largest supplier of school meals. How are your kids doing these days? People have been fighting the USDA for years. This is not new. It just seems as if it doesn't stop. Like I said before. You can't trust anyone.

Today, the USDA secretary is Tom Vilsack. His endorsements were the Corn Refiners Association, the National Grain and Feed Association, the National Farmers Union, the American Farm Bureau Federation and the Environmental Defense Fund. The opposed group was the Organic Consumers Association. They stated Vilsack supported large industrial farms and genetically modified crops. He was also the former chair of the Governor's Biotechnology Partnership. You can read this statement here: www.organicconsumers.org

So what do we do? It seems like we are trapped, right? Wrong! You all need to be strong and stay smart. People are catching on and they have been taking steps to make the food industry a much better place. The safest way to go is to buy organic and make sure you read all the ingredients of everything you buy. Everything! You are not dumb. You know when something is crap. Don't eat it. Its a simple as that. Do not trust the USDA or its labels. In order to beat the system that is causing sickness, disease and death we must stand up to it. Period!

All information was attained by the book, The Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Best Green Companies for Your Kids

I don't have children yet but I have about 5 years of experience under my belt with them. Working in a daycare and being a nanny really helped me to understand kids and know what is important for them to live healthy lives. Whether they are your kids or someone else's all America's children play a big part in this country. It is our responsibility as parents, teachers, mentors and family to give them the best ingredients of a happy life. They learn from all of us. I can't stress enough how important healthy food and natural products are to a child's well being. In April's issue of Working Mother they list the best green companies for America's children. I really liked this article and was impressed that the magazine featured it. Here are the companies:

Annie's Homegrown
You might know this company by it's mac 'n' cheese but Annie's Homegrown has a nice array of products that your kids will sure to love. The company was founded 21 years ago by Annie Withey who herself is a mother of two. It's line of products are all natural and grown without pesticides, fungicides or synthetic fertilizers. From meals to snacks, Annie's mission is to create real, authentic food. Not only do they support over 75 organic family farms they also donate products to programs that educate children on organic gardening. In addition, their Cases for Causes gives $50,000 in scholarships to students who plan to study sustainable agriculture. They use recycled packaging for all their products and helps out the earth by supporting NativeEnergy. I have personally eaten some of their food and it is really tasty. Next time your in the supermarket try one of their products. I promise you won't regret it!

I must say that I am not a fan of Clorox. Just thinking about bleach makes me sick. Yuck! All those chemicals! But I have to give credit to the company for the small steps they have been taking to help the environment. First of all, they bought out Burt's Bees. Then it brought us Green Works which is a line of natural plant derived cleaners. Because of this their profits rose by 23 percent. It just goes to show that despite a recession people want better products in their homes. Last year the company also agreed to stop using and transporting chlorine gas which causes air pollution. They partnered up with Sierra Club which now endorses the Green Works label. Besides all this, Clorox hosts clothing swaps for children in hopes to eliminate some of the 23.8 billion pounds of clothes that end up in our landfills each year. Now thats a great idea! Although, I am not a fan of the brand Clorox I have to admit they are making wiser decisions. In a perfect world, their chemical filled products would be taken off the shelves and the company would just sell the natural ones. But I guess this is better than nothing!

For the last 15 years this company has supported education and renewable energy. They invest about $100 million a year to education alone with a focus on math, science and technology. Between their science fairs and their own Climate Savers Computing Initiative they give support to teachers, students as well as underprivileged communities. Trying to create more efficient computers at reasonable prices is yet another focus of the company. Their new Intel Core design eliminated 15 million tons of carbon dioxide over the past three years! If that wasn't enough they earned the top spot on the EPA's Fortune 500 Green List last year due to the use of renewable energy. Almost half the company's energy is produced by solar and wind sources.

I don't drink coffee but this company surely got my attention. Their mission to help protect the planet is proven by the work of its Social Entrepreneurs Fund. In 2008 alone it issued $2.1 million in grants to organizations that support young innovators. They also partnered up with Save the Children to do their part in helping to educate coffee farming communities and improve health. Their plan is to raise their sourcing of responsibly grown and ethically traded coffee to 100 percent by 2015 and make all their cups 100 percent recyclable or reusable. You also might notice the stores getting a makeover. With additions like eco water fixtures, energy efficient lighting and the use of renewable sources for energy they will be sure to make an impact. Plus, all their new stores are being built according to LEED standards. These are great steps to a better future!

Johnson & Johnson
This company has been around for a very long time. They surely have stepped up to the plate when it comes to helping the planet. Focusing on climate issues it reduced its use of fossil fuels by 34 percent and have been investing in renewable energy sources. The company has the highest amount of hybrid vehicles in the world! Their philanthropic efforts have made a difference in women and children's lives everywhere and with their help programs for health literacy like Safe Kids Worldwide really get to make a difference. They are a member of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition and its Aveeno line has partnered with TerraCycle to host national recycling drives.

Here are some other companies to look out for: Northstar Moving, Rain Bird and Green Truck

Monday, March 22, 2010


I hope that you got a chance to see LIFE last night on the Discovery channel. I was waiting for this series to start and as I expected, it was amazing. The whole 2 hours was inspiring and shows of all us that the Earth's creatures are stunning. Beautiful in their own right, they all have individual characteristics that make them unique. We should all appreciate these creatures and learn to understand them because they share this world with us. I admit that some seem more interesting than humans!

I really liked the second hour which was about reptiles and amphibians. Among my favorites was the Waterfall Toad. They are about the size of a postage stamp and are simply courageous little creatures. They live in Venezuela and have evolved such interesting features such as their sticky feet. When they are threatened it is these hands that save them. Another little frog I found amazing and quite entertaining was the Pebble Toad. As a tarantula comes to close for comfort he bounces off the rocks and curls into a ball. This was so much fun to watch. How could I forget the incredible footage of a chameleon snatching an insect with its tongue in slow motion. Unforgettable!

The Life crew caught many things on film that were never seen before. These I found truly breathtaking. The Basilisk Lizard
running on water and the Flying Fish actually flying were so awesome. The Stalk Eyed Flies that inflate their heads when they are ready to mate was oddly mesmerizing. Brown-tufted Capuchin monkeys in Brazil prove that they are stepping up the evolution path and are as smart as ever. Using strong rocks to crack open palm nuts the monkeys show not only patience but great skill. Watching their children imitate their actions was simply amazing. It can take up to 8 years to master this technique! A mother octopus hiding out to lay her eggs and then after mothering them and helping them to hatch she dies. How sad is that? Just another wonder of nature in this thing we call life.

From dolphins to Komodo Dragons, Life captures tons of footage that is just so surreal to watch. Between all the technology they have access to and the loyal and loving people behind the project, this series is simply one of the best I have seen. I can't wait to watch them all!

Stop Eating Animals

I came across this sticker while heading to Whole Foods and it immediately caught my attention. My boyfriend took a photo with his IPhone and here it is. I really thought it was clever so I had to share it with my Revolt readers. What have I learned from this experience? To always carry my camera! What can you learn from this? To stop eating animals :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Secret of Coconut Water

Do you have high blood pressure? Well, if you are like me you hate medications. In the February issue of Vegetarian Times there was a small article on the benefits of coconut water. Yep, coconuts! Im sure when you think of them you think of their milk but the water is very different. Made from young green coconuts, it has a nutty flavor, fat free and is a one of the best natural sources of electrolyte potassium which lowers blood pressure. What is interesting about coconut water is because its electrolyte balance is similar to human blood, it has been used as IV fluid when other solutions weren't available. Now thats awesome!

You can drink coconut water as is, put it in other drinks or even cook with it. Try cooking some pasta with it instead of plain water and you will reap the benefits. Most stores carry the item in Tetra Paks but make sure it says 100% pure coconut water. Remember, there is always a natural remedy for things. Don't rush into pills and medications before looking into other options. Be smart, be healthy and use what the earth has given us!

To read this article check out page 15 in Vegetarian Times February issue.
Information was provided by Bruce Fife, ND - author of Coconut Water for Health and Living

Monday, March 15, 2010

Recycling Electronics the Right Way

This weekend I started my spring cleaning and ended up with old electronics that my boyfriend, Danny or I did not need anymore. I am sure many of you have this issue and I hope that you don't just throw it all away in the garbage. That is not the best thing to do. Because a lot of people may not know where to bring their old electronics to recycle I wanted to share some websites that can help you out. You can also find info on where to recycle your batteries as well. Keep in mind that you can take most electronics to stores and they will recycle them for you. Best Buy and Staples are two that have the most locations.

National Center for Electronics Recycling
Electronics Take Back Coalition
Environmental Protection Agency
Earth 911
Digital Tips
Call 2 Recycle

Just remember that everything has its place and it's not the garbage! Recycling is very important to the earth and it is our responsibility to do it the proper way. No excuse!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What Should You Be Drinking?

What kind of drinks so you have in your home? What are you giving to your kids? Well, I have to say that most of the juices and drinks out there in the supermarket are not good for you. They either have added sugar, preservatives they don't need or artificial flavors. Don't even get me started on soda. Why even waste your money on those when you can get the real thing! I did some research on some companies that produce natural and organic drinks that are totally worth giving a try.

R.W. Knudsen Family has been bottling organic juices since 1961. They use sustainable production and business methods and have stayed true to their commitment to using organic ingredients. Not only have they served as members of the Organic Trade Association they were the first processor in the country to become a certified organic processing facility in 1997. They carry everything from juices to sports drinks so I am sure you will find something you will love. You can find their products in Waldbaums, Stop & Shop, Shoprite and more. You can go to their website to read more on the company and also find a store near you that carries their drinks.

Santa Cruz Organic is another company who uses sustainable resources to produce their products. They claim they are "green to our core" and they are right! They are an official Green E-certified business and have also earned a WRAP award for their amazing recycle methods. Santa Cruz not only has juices but they also carry sauces, teas and peanut butter to name a few. Since 1972 they have been committed to producing the finest organic products and have been working hard to help raise awareness about the benefits of organic agriculture. You can also visit their site for stores that carry their products.

Purity Organic is a company that works directly with organic farmers and creates yummy, healthy drinks at prices that you can afford. All their products are USDA certified organic and 10% of their dividends are returned back into the organic community! They carry 6 flavors of their juice line: apple, lemonade, strawberry paradise, citrus passion, cranberry harmony and tropical bliss. Their functional drinks have a combination of vitamins and herbs and by selling fruit they help create a higher return to the farmers they work with. This shows the love they have for the community! Check out their nicely designed website when you get a chance. Also, take notice to their packaging designs. LOVE THEM! You can find their products in Whole Foods, Duane Reade and the Food Emporium.

Organic Source just came out with 3 sparkling juice drinks you might want to check out. They come in white grape, pomegranate acai and lime. The company actually started out as a brewing company and decided to make pure, non-alcoholic drinks as well. Peak Organic Brewing Company produced great organic beer out in Maine. Today they are also know as Organic Source and create natural drinks under 50 calories per serving, gluten-free and non-alcoholic. Check them out!

Those are a few that are worth checking out. Here are the names of some other companies you might want to look into as well: Uncle Matt's Organic, Lakewood Organic & Premium Juices, Columbia Gorge Organic, Elite Naturel, Steaz Energy and James White Fruit Juices.

Happy Drinking!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Going Organic

Everywhere you turn there is talk about going organic. Whether its TV or the magazines, you can find information on eating healthier almost every day. Eating organic foods and using organic products are proven to be better for your health as well as the planet. Choosing the better supermarket is an important factor in buying organic. Not every market carries organic foods. I suggest you do some research to find either a Whole Foods or natural market in your area to start shopping at. It will make your switch to organic a whole lot easier because they have it all!

When reading Glamour magazine this month I came across an article, "How to Do Anything Better Guide", and I wanted to share it with my Revolt readers. I liked the emphasize on the word "better" and I loved that they included organic foods! The article was focused on ways to live green and also save money. Here are the ways they say you can green up your diet.

1. Go Organic When You Can - If everyone of us converted just 10% of our diets to organic foods, it would be the equivalent of taking 2 million cars off the road.

2. Eat More Whole Foods - Adding a quote from Michael Pollan, "If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don't." It's as simple as that! Processed foods are not only horrible for you they create more pollution. I suggest you read Food Rules by Michael Pollan for more words to live by.

3. Buy in Bulk - This is obvious because it saves on packaging. The only thing with buying in bulk is that most bulk items are not whole foods or organic. Pick and choose your battles folks!

4. Have Two Vegetarian Meals Each Week - I really love this one and not just because I am a vegetarian. Factory farming is the leading cause of global warming in this country and it really has to stop. Raising livestock produces more greenhouse gases each year than every car, plane and train combined! Think of that the next time you buy meat. It is also more expensive than grains or soy so not eating meat twice a week could save you almost $80 a year! Lastly, I would like to mention that if you do buy meat and its not organic you are eating tortured, chemically induced animals. It is inhumane the way these animals are being treated in the factory farms and the war to stop it is getting worse. The leaders in this fight will continue to push until the food industry learns its lesson. I encourage you and everyone you know to eat meat less and when you do please buy organic!

5. Choose Chicken Over Beef - I understand why this would be on the list because chicken is cheaper per pound than beef. Producing beef also created 13 times as many greenhouse gases as chicken does. But beware that most chicken sold in the supermarkets are very unhealthy and not even real chicken! Again, I urge you to buy organic when it comes to chicken.

6. Eat What's In Season - This is a very important one. When in season you should always try to go the Farmer's Markets for your vegetables and fruits. You can also buy meats their too. Buying local is always better for the community and the earth. Their is less traveling, less packaging and most of the time its either organic or natural. Its a win win situation.

So to read more of this article just check out page 221 in this months Glamour mag. Always remember to live a lifestyle that is not only healthy but not harmful to your environment.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Welcome to Revolt

I am so excited to launch Revolt because its something I have been working on for a long time. I really feel there is a need for it considering 2010 is the year for change. People everywhere are making better choices and changing their lifestyle for a greater cause. Thinking that life revolves around you is ignorant, unrealistic and ridiculous. This planet is home for millions of life-forms and creatures and humans must learn to live among them in peace. The more we kill and torture animals our fate for survival lessens each day. The earth was created for all of us and when we take advantage of others it is us who will suffer in the end. Not only does it make us look horrible but it is simply inhumane. Taking care of the earth is just the same. We must all do what is necessary to allow the earth to grow. No exceptions! Take responsibility for your actions and grow up. Nowadays there is so much information out there it is common sense as to what we need to do. If you don't know by now than I am embarrassed for you. Simple as that.

We all need to join together and live the best we can. That means eating healthy organic foods that don't ruin the earth. Respecting ourselves enough to take care of our bodies and be aware what we put in it. Making recycling and other green acts a daily way of life. Loving all creatures and supporting that love by not eating animals, not buying products that do animal testing and not wearing them for fashion. As if that is really fashionable anyway! By living a better life we have to make good choices for ourselves and our families. It is our job, as humans, to evolve for change and move forward toward the success and happiness of the world. The time is now....