Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Truth about the USDA

Ok readers. Brace yourself. I have said for many years that this government does not take care of its people. Greed is power and power is money. The sad circle of how this country is run. I am sorry to tell all of you that the only way to make it in the world is to trust no one. Put aside your loved ones. We are told that we can trust our government to do what is right. We are told that we can trust in the health organizations to lead us in the right direction. Well, the mother of all groups is the biggest fraud of them all. The USDA is just another bullshit organization that is killing us slowly. The secrets also prove that the Republican party is once again the culprit behind it all, supporting this horrible, nasty and immoral behavior. You are all assholes!

I am going to make this as simple as I can. When I came across this information it really pissed me off. Even more than I already am about big business and government programs. I am at the end of the line here. The only responsible and realistic conclusion is to avoid everything they are a part of and trust no one.

The Facts
The USDA was founded in 1862 by Abraham Lincoln and was created to help farmers exchange information. Now, for some reason, all that got thrown out the window and they are responsible for the safety of meat, poultry, and egg products. It's also a funny coincidence that most employees of the USDA are also connected to the meat and dairy industry. Before 2005, the secretary of the USDA was forced to resign due to federal charges of accepting illegal corporate gifts from numerous companies. Fascinating! One of these companies was Tyson and they had to pay $4 million in fines for the act. Thats it. If I was in charge they would be out of business.

Ann Veneman, who was Secretary of Agriculture during 2001 to 2005, is another loser. It is said she is connected to producing the bovine growth hormone (BGH). Great! She also hired staff that used to work for the Cattlemen's Beef Association, a former president of the National Pork Producers and others from the meat packing industry. Now thats someone I can trust! Today she is the Executive Director of UNICEF. Woopee! I also have to mention that the years she worked for the USDA the presidency was under the Bush administration. I am not surprised.

The USDA is also a huge slacker. When mad cow disease was discovered in 2003, only 20,000 cows out of the 35 million slaughtered in that year were tested. Wow! They really care, huh? But of course they wouldn't do what is right. If more cows were discovered with the disease than the ranchers couldn't sell their meat. Resulting in loss of money. Do we really expect them to take our health into higher consideration than their profits? What the USDA did do was ban the feeding of meat to live cattle. Big woop! They still allowed calves to feed on cattle blood. Now think of all the hamburgers and steaks you ate among those years. I hope you are disgusted.

Within our government, rules are not rules. They are words that are not followed. They keep documents and information confidential when they should release it to the public and they allow the food industry to do whatever the hell they want. When greed is running a business that is a big problem. When that business controls what we eat then that is a scary thing. I don't want you to think that there aren't any good people out there because there are. They just get buried among the rest. In 1998, there was a federal lawsuit filed against the USDA and the Department of Health and Human Services concerning their so called Dietary Guidelines. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine claimed that laws were violated because the USDA selected 6 people that were financially connected to the food industry to serve on the committee. All being tied to the meat and dairy sectors.

Got milk? Well, if your lactose intolerant you obviously shouldn't be consuming dairy. Not that any of us should. But what do you always see? Advertisements and health organizations saying you need to drink milk for calcium and strong bones. You don't! If thats not bad enough they created Lactaid and other drugs so that you still drink dairy even though your body is telling you not to. More money in their pockets and more of your health going down the drain! At $19 billion dollars a year or more, the milk industry seems to be pretty happy. But their cows are suffering with every sip you take. Once the cows milk is done producing, usually after 10 pounds, they continue to get milked. How would you like it if metal clamps milked your breasts till they got 100 pounds out of them? Ouch! You can imagine the puss that would form and how sensitive their udders would get. Well, all that puss is going into the milk and you are drinking it. Pasteurization does not kill all the bacteria or viruses that may be in the liquid. Now go ahead and drink a yummy, cold, creamy glass of milk and think about the poor, tortured cow who suffered so you can have a cup of something that isn't healthy for you anyway! Milk is intended to help babies grow. Not adults. That is why we breast feed while we are little and then stop before 2 years old. Did you know that we are the only species who drinks milk when we are adults?

If this next bit of info doesn't piss you off than I don't know what will. In 1999, a beef plant in Texas failed salmonella tests done buy the USDA. About 47% of the beef contained the virus. Just keep in mind that this also means the meat contains high levels of fecal matter which just by itself contaminates the meat. Well, the USDA continued to purchase the meat and distribute it to schools. To make it worse, the company from which they bought all the meat from was the nation's largest supplier of school meals. How are your kids doing these days? People have been fighting the USDA for years. This is not new. It just seems as if it doesn't stop. Like I said before. You can't trust anyone.

Today, the USDA secretary is Tom Vilsack. His endorsements were the Corn Refiners Association, the National Grain and Feed Association, the National Farmers Union, the American Farm Bureau Federation and the Environmental Defense Fund. The opposed group was the Organic Consumers Association. They stated Vilsack supported large industrial farms and genetically modified crops. He was also the former chair of the Governor's Biotechnology Partnership. You can read this statement here:

So what do we do? It seems like we are trapped, right? Wrong! You all need to be strong and stay smart. People are catching on and they have been taking steps to make the food industry a much better place. The safest way to go is to buy organic and make sure you read all the ingredients of everything you buy. Everything! You are not dumb. You know when something is crap. Don't eat it. Its a simple as that. Do not trust the USDA or its labels. In order to beat the system that is causing sickness, disease and death we must stand up to it. Period!

All information was attained by the book, The Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin

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