Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Going Organic

Everywhere you turn there is talk about going organic. Whether its TV or the magazines, you can find information on eating healthier almost every day. Eating organic foods and using organic products are proven to be better for your health as well as the planet. Choosing the better supermarket is an important factor in buying organic. Not every market carries organic foods. I suggest you do some research to find either a Whole Foods or natural market in your area to start shopping at. It will make your switch to organic a whole lot easier because they have it all!

When reading Glamour magazine this month I came across an article, "How to Do Anything Better Guide", and I wanted to share it with my Revolt readers. I liked the emphasize on the word "better" and I loved that they included organic foods! The article was focused on ways to live green and also save money. Here are the ways they say you can green up your diet.

1. Go Organic When You Can - If everyone of us converted just 10% of our diets to organic foods, it would be the equivalent of taking 2 million cars off the road.

2. Eat More Whole Foods - Adding a quote from Michael Pollan, "If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don't." It's as simple as that! Processed foods are not only horrible for you they create more pollution. I suggest you read Food Rules by Michael Pollan for more words to live by.

3. Buy in Bulk - This is obvious because it saves on packaging. The only thing with buying in bulk is that most bulk items are not whole foods or organic. Pick and choose your battles folks!

4. Have Two Vegetarian Meals Each Week - I really love this one and not just because I am a vegetarian. Factory farming is the leading cause of global warming in this country and it really has to stop. Raising livestock produces more greenhouse gases each year than every car, plane and train combined! Think of that the next time you buy meat. It is also more expensive than grains or soy so not eating meat twice a week could save you almost $80 a year! Lastly, I would like to mention that if you do buy meat and its not organic you are eating tortured, chemically induced animals. It is inhumane the way these animals are being treated in the factory farms and the war to stop it is getting worse. The leaders in this fight will continue to push until the food industry learns its lesson. I encourage you and everyone you know to eat meat less and when you do please buy organic!

5. Choose Chicken Over Beef - I understand why this would be on the list because chicken is cheaper per pound than beef. Producing beef also created 13 times as many greenhouse gases as chicken does. But beware that most chicken sold in the supermarkets are very unhealthy and not even real chicken! Again, I urge you to buy organic when it comes to chicken.

6. Eat What's In Season - This is a very important one. When in season you should always try to go the Farmer's Markets for your vegetables and fruits. You can also buy meats their too. Buying local is always better for the community and the earth. Their is less traveling, less packaging and most of the time its either organic or natural. Its a win win situation.

So to read more of this article just check out page 221 in this months Glamour mag. Always remember to live a lifestyle that is not only healthy but not harmful to your environment.

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