Friday, November 26, 2010

The Day After

So Thanksgiving is over and Black Friday is coming to an end. I have to say I enjoyed the holiday immensely. I thought I would have gotten upset because I wasn't with my whole family but I didn't. As much as I love them all, I feel differently about the holiday now. I just don't feel comfortable sitting around a turkey and that is not going to change. Giving thanks and celebrating the holiday should not include dead animals. Period.

My Menu
Veggie Casserole {beans, cheese, veggie crumbles, onions & peppers}
Mashed Potatoes
Sweet Corn
Marinated Roasted Veggies {red peppers, onions, broccoli & asparagus}

Dessert Menu
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Shortbread Cookies
Oatmeal Cookies
Pumpkin Pie {made by Dan's Mom}
Carrot Cake {made by my Mom}

I am relieved that I stuck to my guns and did what I wanted to do. Giving in just isn't an option when it comes to this issue and I won't back down. I respect how other people want to live and carry on tradition but I don't want to be a part of it. I feel family and friends should be open minded and be able to change once in awhile - like I do all the time. Some aren't able to. I accept that reality. This is why I started my own tradition that is truly a celebration. Giving thanks to the Earth and serving cruelty-free food that is delicious is my kind of Thanksgiving :) You want to be a part of it, awesome. If not, go sit around a dead turkey.

To all you vegetarians and vegans out there - we RULE!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Some Pretty Cool Plants

Everyone who knows me understands how much I love nature, especially flowers. There are so many species out there it seems impossible to learn about all of them. But that doesn't mean we can't take advantage of the types we do have access to. Here are some plants from Mother Earth that are great to keep in your home. Not only do they look cool but they offer benefits as well.

Peace Lily - Spathiphyllum
This flower is graceful and promotes peace in the home. It's also a hard worker! The Peace Lily can rid many contaminants such as formaldehyde and benzene. So all you people with allergies, listen up! The shade is its best friend for it doesn't need much sunlight to grow. The only warning is to not ingest it. This beautiful plant can be slightly toxic to humans and animals.

We all know how much aloe is used in the industry. It's great for sunburn and skin irritations as well as moisturizing dry skin. The plant itself is visually stunning with its bright green leaves. They can get pretty big too, growing up to a foot long. So not only is it a conversation piece but its at your service if you need it. Extracting its sap is easy and why not use a natural resource if you can.

These plants are vibrant and relaxed. They add color and warmth to any room. Did you know they don't have seeds or grow flowers? They reproduce using spores. Ferns can also help contaminated soil.

Mother-in-Law's Tongue - Sansaveria
This tropical plant that produces flowers and fruit. Their leaves are used for fiber production and bandages and its sap can be used as an antiseptic. It grows slow and tall and can last for many years. They need warmth and bright light but don't mind a little shade.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Veggie Thanksgiving

So Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I must say its a holiday I enjoy. In my family, the tradition was to gather at my aunts house for a holiday feast and spend time with each other. It was always a day I looked forward to because I was able to hang out with everyone in my family. Before 2007, I lived in Jersey while they lived here in NY so you can see why it was one of my favorite days of the year.

Of course, there was a turkey along with tons of delicious sides and veggies. My aunt is a great cook and has inspired me to love food as I grew up. The year I moved back to Long Island I helped prepare the food the night before which was fun. My grandma and cousins were there and we had good times. I am so thankful I filmed the events that year. Now we can all enjoy them forever.

Last year, it was slightly different. I had decided to go veg and turkey was not on my personal menu. Of course, I had no say about what was served for the big day because it was not my house. So the first time in my life Thanksgiving brought discomfort and disappointment. Besides my Grandmother not attending that year, my boyfriend Danny spent dinner with his parents. I honestly felt a little awkward. The holiday just wasn't the same.

When it was time to eat I sat next to my cousin Alex, a fellow vegetarian, and waited to serve myself some food. As the turkey was placed on the table a wave of sadness came over me. I didn't think it would have bothered me that much but it did. All I saw was a dead animal on the table and everyone carving away at it. I tried not to show my disgust and helped myself to vegetables and mashed potatoes. I couldn't even finish my plate.

As dinner came to an end I was happy to step away and help clean up. As I always do. I waited for Danny to arrive for desert and just chilled out. The night went well and we came home tired and ready for bed. Before I feel asleep I told myself I did not want to have another Thanksgiving were a turkey was served. It may sound ridiculous to you but if you felt the way I did, you would do the same.

So this year I decided to have my own Veggie Thanksgiving. Filled with lots of yummy veggies and Earth's goodies. I invited family and friends like always and was excited to host the holiday. Little did I know it would be a challenge to get people to come. As of now it will be my mother and her husband and Danny and I. Danny's parents aren't sure yet and the rest of my family have their own plans. A friend also declined because she just couldn't miss all the food at her parents house, especially the turkey. My enthusiasm slightly deteriorated as the holiday came closer.

Is this what a lot of vegetarians go through? I think its unfair but thats me. Just because I am not serving turkey shouldn't be a reason not to come. It seems like some people like Thanksgiving mostly for the food and not for all the family time. This is what I think is most important. Not a dead bird. I have been told, "no one is going to come without turkey" and "you shouldn't impose your beliefs on other people". I have even been told I was selfish for doing this which I feel is totally absurd. All this ridiculous behavior makes me think about when we should draw the line.

First of all, if I don't feel comfortable being around dead animals than I have a right to not be around them. Second of all, in my home meat is not served and that will not change just for a holiday. Serving turkey for the non-vegetarians is out of the question. Period. If someone doesn't like it than they don't have to come. Honestly, at this point, if it ended up being just Danny and I, we would both still be happy. As long as we are with each other, that is all that matters.

Starting my own tradition is important to me. Although that means a past tradition coming to an end, it is for the better. This is something that means a lot to me. My transition to becoming a vegetarian has been somewhat easy for me to do but when you don't have people around you who are, it gets hard to express yourself without people not seeing eye to eye. Somehow I always feel violated, unheard and not understood.

I am around non vegetarians all the time. I have to watch them eat food that upsets me but I have to keep my mouth shut. Although I do not respect or agree with how they choose to live, I keep my opinions to myself and deal with it. I know it is not my place to say anything. But is anyone doing the same for me? Is it so much to ask other people not to order meat when we are out to dinner? Are they going to suffer if they do? Just a thought.

I had a friend once tell me she would never order meat around me. I was really impressed. I look up to her for saying that and even thinking of me in that way. Talk about respecting someone and caring for how they feel. If only everyone was like that.

You know, some vegetarians and vegans don't mind being around it. My cousin even cooks meat for her roommates, something I could never and would never do. All I ask is for a little compassion and respect. That is something I give others and expect them to act the same.

So for this Thanksgiving I am staying true to myself. I will not compromise my beliefs for anyone. I will have a great holiday with the people who choose to spend it with me and serve healthy, delicious food. This year, I know in my heart, I am doing the right thing. Our day is not only a celebration of life and love but true compassion for the Earth and all its amazing creatures.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Is America Really a Union After All?

I wrote this post a year ago on my previous website d+eco and wanted to post it here so more people read it. After I saw the documentary The Union: The Business Behind Getting High, I had to share my thoughts about the film. So if you didn't read it the first time, here is your chance.

Not only is this film eye opening it is very resourceful, as a documentary should. Filmmaker Adam Scorgie explores the issues of marijuana and hemp in the United States, Canada and beyond. There are tons of interviews with people behind the underground market as well as experts in criminology, the economy, psychology, politics and medicine. He even talks with some pop culture icons such as Tommy Chong and Joe Rogan. There is such a great amount of facts, opinions and ideas in this film that it should inspire everyone who has a mind of their own and believes that the people of this country should come first. We were all born with a brain. Therefore, we should use it.

First of all, I am sick and tired of hearing about how horrible marijuana is. Wake up people! It isn’t. Let big business and the government brainwash you some more. Come on, I thought we were smarter than that. For something so horrible it sure was popular since the beginning of time and considering it is a natural resource we should use it to our advantage instead of robbing it of its power and amazing ability to help this planet and the people living on it.

Since 4000 BC hemp was used to make clothes in China and in 2727 BC it was first used as a medicine in every part of the world. Seems like they got the picture! Damn, those Chinese....always ahead of the game.

Now lets cut to the 19th Century when hash gets very popular. In 1840, medicine with a Cannabis base was available in America. Jump to 1936 when Reefer Madness, a film about the effects of marijuana, came out with hopes to scare young people from using it. A year later the Marijuana Tax Act was passed making Cannabis illegal in the Unites States. Then 1972 comes around and good ole Nixon is president. He appointed the Shafer Commission (National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse) to research the drug. Their research was so successful to this day it is the most comprehensive review of marijuana ever conducted by the federal government. What were the results?

Well, lets just say they came back talking about legalization. I guess all that research finally proved the rumors wrong. Marijuana wasn’t so bad after all. Good to know! Sadly enough, but not surprising, Nixon shut down the Commission months before their report was issued. Is it reported that he said it would look bad if the results were different from what the government has been stating. Unbelievable! Well, another reason why Nixon was such a fantastic president...

Despite all that nonsense, the Commission did issue a report. That report stated that marijuana did not cause crime or violence nor lead to harder drug use. It also mentioned that it does not cause mental or physical abnormalities. Their conclusion: “Marihuana's relative potential for harm to the vast majority of individual users and its actual impact on society does not justify a social policy designed to seek out and firmly punish those who use it." There you go. Now we get the idea! Their major recommendation was the decriminalization of possession or non-profit transfer of marijuana. Considering they did the research and know first hand, who should we listen to? Them or Nixon?

Well after this report was issued our beloved president was clearly pissed off. He went on a rampage with his idiotic beliefs and spread lies and garbage all over the place. He declared his attack on marijuana more than ever. He believed the Jews were behind legalization, especially jewish psychiatrists, and claimed the Communists were using it as a weapon. He felt that homosexuality and marijuana were immoral and the enemies of strong society. (that one made me laugh) To top if off, his approach to drug education was just as horrible,”Enforce the law. You’ve got to scare them.” All this crazy talk and you would think Nixon was the one on drugs!

Did his scare tactics really work? Well, he didn’t really scare them into not smoking marijuana but he did ruin a lot of lives in the process. One year after all his statements there was a huge increase in arrests. A 420,700 increase! If you were living during the 70’s you know first hand how it was back then. All those people trying to live free and be happy. Fighting for their rights every chance they got. And why? Because the government is constantly trying to take them away!

Since NIxon, about 15 million people have been arrested for marijuana offenses. As you can see this was the start of our freedom going down the drain. Not to mention our money! Who do you think pays for all that jail time? It's called taxes and we are all stuck paying them.

My question is...what about cocaine, heroine, crack, and crystal meth. These are the drugs they should be worried about. Not to mention, cigarettes and alcohol!!! These are the real killers, not marijuana. There has never been a case of death caused by marijuana. EVER! But tobacco is the leading cause of death in the United States killing 435,000 people a year and alcohol coming up third with 85,000. Oh and heres another great bit of info. Guess what substance kills 7,600 of our people a year? Aspirin. Yep, thats correct. So all these years your doctor told you to take an aspirin a day to reduce the risks of heart failure was obviously some bad information. They probably forgot to mention that it deteriorates your stomach lining and makes you more at risk for ulcers and GI tract bleeding. Fun!

The government and the pharmaceutical companies own the friggin world. Its a sad thing when people in power brainwash and manipulate the public into believing its false statements and accept their undeniably crude behavior. Aren’t they supposed to look out for us? Do you really think the masterminds behind the pharmaceutical companies care about the people taking the drugs they produce? They don’t. If they did there would be more talk about natural cures instead of popping a pill in your mouth every 4 hours!

There have been hundreds of tests done on natural products and plants that prove they help sickness and disease. But why don’t we hear about them? Because big business is too busy burying the information and clogging your brains with what pill to take next and what kind of surgery you need. If we were to use natural cures more often there would be no need to use prescription medicine as much. That would really make the government and pill companies upset. Not to mention, not as rich! They would rather skin you of any intellect you may have and rob you of your hard earned money than see people actually get healthy and cured! This is such a great country, huh?

The facts:

Marijuana is an amazing plant. Not only does it have medicinal purposes but it is a natural resource as well. Hemp can be used in so many ways. Its one of the strongest industrial fibers in the world. It is the most durable and doesn’t stretch over time like cotton and also superior to other textiles when it comes to comfort. The more it is used, the softer it gets and it never wears out. It is also naturally resistant to mold and ultraviolet light. On top of all that, hemp is more water resistant so when you dye it the fiber holds color better than any other fiber, including cotton. It seems like hemp is really the fabric of our lives!

Put fashion aside for a minute. All those qualities I mentioned are already fascinating. But here are more important facts about hemp.

A hemp crop grows extremely fast. It can produce 250% more fiber than cotton and 600% more than flax and thats using the same amount of land! Why is cotton our main fiber when it uses enormous amounts of water and chemicals to produce? Does our planet really need to suffer for our stupidity?

Another reason why hemp is important is it also leaves the soil in excellent condition and never destroys it. As they grow, hemp plants shed their leaves over the topsoil adding rich organic matter. Farmers have stated to successfully cultivate hemp crops on land that is over 100 years old! Thats amazing. So not only can it be used for clothing, furniture, paper and other accessories but it can also help the planet and our society as well.

It may seem crazy but industrial hemp can also be processed into building materials such as concrete and stone as well as plastic, cardboard and even bio-fuel. Yes, I said bio-fuel. There is the answer to our huge oil problem. Is anyone doing anything about it? Of course not! Why are we letting this happen?

Why kill off our forests when we can create hemp paper.
Why depend on other countries for oil if we can use our best natural resource to make our own?
Why spend billions on cultivation, imports and unnecessary procedures when we can grow endless hemp crops around the country and make our own consumer products for once?

Isn’t it time we realize the amazing possibilities of this plant? Just erase everything bad you have heard about marijuana. I know it may be hard but if you are a true American and care about this country you will open your eyes and really see what is happening before you. Look around people. See all the violence and crime? The murders and disease? All the problems we have with this economy and education? Where are we going? There seems to be so many issues to focus on and yet marijuana always seems to be pegged as such a horrible drug that destroys society. Thats crazy!

Here and now I state that marijuana should be decriminalized and legal for medicinal purposes. I declare that it should be legal to grow and produce hemp products in the United States. How dare they take our right away to grow a natural substance! Or smoke it. I don’t know about you but I thought this was America.

I can say first hand, all the years I have smoked marijuana, it has not affected my life in a negative way nor has it caused me to go crazy. A whole 13 years of smoking people. I am still the smarty pants I always was. I may not consume it much anymore but I will always stand up for it.

And for all you people who enjoy destroying the earth with your synthetic clothes and man made items. The people who love paying taxes on new prisons and criminal budgets. All of you who choose to believe that this miraculous plant is as horrible as “they” say. Take one last look at the American flag, put your hand over your heart and while you state the Pledge of Allegiance, say thanks to Betsy Ross for being smart enough to make the first US flag out of hemp.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Look Out!

If you are not using natural products than what are you using? Most people don’t know what is in the products they use. I feel it is important to know what goes into your body and on your skin. Awareness is the whole point of living green! Once you really know what you're using and how hazardous they are, you can make the positive changes needed to live a healthy, green life.

Here are some ingredients you should be highly on the lookout for. They are toxic and dangerous to your health. After you read this go into your bathroom and take a look at your hair products, face wash, soap, etc... and your cleaning products to see where you stand on the toxic scale. If your numbers run high I suggest you avoid being a toxic avenger and crusade your way towards the healthy path of natural living!

This is a well know carcinogen (an agent directly involved in the promotion of cancer) and is used in most dandruff shampoos, anti-itch creams and dyes such as FD&C Blue 1 and 3. You can find these dyes in toothpastes and mouthwash.

Be weary of this word. It is rarely natural and is used to cover up hundreds of toxic ingredients. One of which is phthalates which can cause reproductive and developmental harm as well as disrupting the endocrine system.

This ingredient is commonly used to whiten and lighten skin as well as used in facial moisturizers.
It is considered a neurotoxin which affects the nervous system and is also allergenic.

Stay away from this one! Not only is it a carcinogenic but mutagenic (agent that changes the genetic material of an organism and may cause mutations) as well. This is often found in deodorants and makeup such as eye shadow and is used as a color additive. It is said that the amount of aluminum found in antiperspirants may increase the risk of breast cancer and has also been a factor in Alzheimer’s disease.

You will find this chemical in almost all antibacterial products such as soap, toothpaste and makeup. It is often mixed with dioxins (highly unstable organic compounds) which have many health risks. Not only are they highly carcinogenic but they can also decrease fertility, weaken your immune system and cause birth defects. Stay clear of Clearasil, Dial, Right Guard, Old Spice and Colgate to name a few. These all contain this chemical.

How the hell do you even pronounce that! This chemical can damage your nervous system and cause many other health risks such as lung irritation and severe allergic reactions. It is often found in hair dyes so beware! For something voted Allergen of the Year by the American Contact Dermatitis Society I would stay clear of this one. Keep your eyes open for these as well: 1,4-Benzenediamine, p-Phenyldiamine and 4-Phenylenediamine.

Lead is a neurotoxin that can be found in men’s hair dye and could also end up in toothpaste as a natural contaminant of hydrated silica. It has also been used in paint pigments and thank god there are companies who are changing that. We all know it is poisonous! It can damage the nervous system and cause blood and brain disorders.
Mercury can be found in thimerosol which is often in cosmetics, especially mascara. A gold star to Minnesota for being the first state in the US to ban it in cosmetics! There has been big controversy over the risks of this preservative in vaccines and has been connected to autism. Its main use is to prevent bacterial contamination, hence being used in vaccines. There are concerns about the amount of exposure a child has to thimerosol so companies have been asked to eliminate it from vaccines.

So you got through the bad ones. Good for you! Now here are a couple more to look out for:
Cocamide DEH, Lauramide DEA, Cocamide MEA, Triethanolamine (TEA) and Diethanolamine (DEA).
All these chemicals have the ability to form into nitrosamines which can be found in tobacco and latex products as well as beer and fish. They can cause cancers in animals and are also carcinogenic in humans.

Ok...last but not least I want to briefly explain what some other chemicals are so you know why to stay away from them. You’ve heard them before but may not really know what they are. Now you do!

You will see these as petroleum or liquid paraffin on labels. Do not be misguided people. These oils can slow down your skin’s natural function and cell development and coats it so it cannot breathe. The result? Premature aging! Yikes...who the hell wants that. They are found in many products including mascara.

These have been shown to increase the risk of breast cancer! They have been considered estrogenic chemicals which mimic the natural function of estrogen. Anything that can disrupt my normal hormone behavior is checked off my list. My hormones are crazy enough. No thank you!

These are both foaming agents derived from coconut oil and used in a variety of products from brake fluid to skin care products such as toothpaste and bubble bath. It is proven to irritate skin and is considered a carcinogenic by The Environmental Working Group.

You will find talc in most baby products, deodorants and powder products. I know it may come as a surprise but it contains a chemical that is similar to asbestos. Yuck! Stay clear of this one ladies because it can increase the risk of certain ovarian cancers.

Think about this the next time you are getting your nails done. Found in most nail products both of these can cause dermatitis.

Found in most cosmetics this additive dries the skin and strips it of its outer layers. Thus, exposing you to bacteria and tons of other toxins. Not to mention, brown spots and premature aging!

Good Luck on your mission to rid these chemicals out of your life for good! I hope I have made it a little easier. You are getting closer to best life you can live :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A True American

Lately, I have been thinking about the way people think and behave. Specifically, in this country we call America. So what does it mean to be an American? Is it gaining success and getting rich? Is it owning a home with the white picked fence? Is it having a family? Is it about speaking your mind and standing up for what you believe in? Is it protecting your country?

Really. What does it mean?

So you come here to chase the American dream. Here in the land of the free. A land where dreams can come true. What people thought was once was a great life, is now surpassed with greed, ignorance and stupidity. The simple life of happiness is lost and forgotten. Somewhere in the middle of then and now, the American people have shown their title disgrace and disrespect.

When we are kids we are taught this country's history and the many events that made it what it is today. Some great and some horrific. Between war, racism, violence, murder and hate, it's hard to see through it all. The way people and animals have been treated is certainly not something to celebrate.

Love, happiness and peace. This is what really matters. Being aware of how to help, share and spread that positivity is crucial to our species evolving. We need to learn that killing doesn't get us anywhere. It only sets us back and continues to halt our true survival. Why aren't people learning by now? In order to have a successful, healthy and prosperous future, we must love and respect all beings.

It's important to know, the way of life years ago is not the way of life today. Instead of seeking the simple undertones of how happiness can be, we all want more. Some people are so damn greedy they have way more than enough. Others lie, cheat and steal to get there. No one deserves to make billions, I don't care how talented or smart you are. In a country where you have the richest of all, there just shouldn't be homelessness and starvation. Period.

Is this what an American really is?

People live many lifestyles. All will try to convince you their way is the best way. I say, if you believe in something that is positive and doesn't harm others than great. But sadly, most lifestyles are the opposite. Religion, for example, is a vast category of brainwashing, sin, lies, rape, hypocrisy and misguided tales. On the other hand, it teaches self respect, strength, responsibility, love, faith and hope. How do you see through all the haze?

There is a good fraction of people who feel its important to make a difference in the world, so they strive for happiness through love and positivity. However, you also have a lot of people that either don't care or are not aware of what they can do to help. Then you have people who are so blinded by ignorance that their very existence is an embarrassment to us all.

The fact of the matter is, you can live any way you want. It is a free country after all. But should our lifestyles follow guidelines? Sort of like the 7 Deadly Sins, I feel we should all live by certain rules. I know most of us don't like rules but lets face it, without them nothing would run smoothly. There is no need to go crazy and whip out the tablets here. Just a few simple facts to keep us all in line.

First of all, we do not need to kill to survive.
Taking advantage of beings that do not have the same power as us is evil, unappreciative and most of all heartless. But we do it every God damn day. Death is in your supermarket and eventually winds up on your plate. Innocence is stolen and the weak are raped. Souls are truly lost. Machinery takes lives while the blood drips from our hands. Is this America?

Secondly, we need to learn when enough is enough.
How much more money can you make when you already have millions? How much more damage can you do to the planet? How much of our natural resources do we need to waste? How many Happy Meals can we shove down our kids throats? How many more animals can we torture and kill for fashion? Isn't the millions of animals we kill a year enough? Why do we continue to find more species to eat and more ways to torture them?

Third, be positive and be aware.
Why is it so hard for everyone to be kind to each other. People should want to help others and make sure we all succeed. We are all equal. People don't realize by living a certain way they support horrible things. They choose to separate themselves from their choices so they don't have to live knowing the truth. That's just sad.

Finally, we need to understand cause and effect.
When you put bad people into government, it will all crumble to the ground. When we eat toxic food we will get fat and sick. When we spend money carelessly, we end up with nothing but debt. When we take wild animals and teach them tricks they will eventually get even. When everything in your life is filled with drugs and alcohol you will soon learn that it's actually filled with nothing.

If we stay true to these, I think we can finally move in a better direction. All we really have is the Earth and each other. This planet is our number one resource for life. It gives us food, shelter, shade, air and water and most of us just take advantage of it all. We need to appreciate the beauty in what's around us. Not just the planet but in each other as well. We are amazing creatures - look how far we have come!

Now look beside you. There right by your side is an adorable little creature who brings joy and happiness to your life. Pets have unconditional love, something we humans can't truly grasp like they can. Now look beyond your dog or cat and you will see millions of animals that are simply amazing. Whether they live on a farm or in the wild, they are deserving of life as much as we are. We don't realize that we need them here in order for "life" to continue. So instead of eating a steak or shooting a dear, put the fork and gun down for once and see the beauty of it all.

So what does it mean to be American?

Being American means you are strong and brave.
It means standing up for equality.
It means we are free.
Free to be ourselves in a world free from hate.
It means we have the right to speak our minds.
It means we are loyal to all beings because we value life.

Being an American is being alive and appreciating the air we breathe.
Believing in ourselves and knowing we can make a difference in the world.

One by one, hand in hand, we certainly can.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Foods That Fight Cancer

In Health magazine this month, they listed some foods that are the best in fighting cancer. I wanted to share them with my readers because not only are they great for you but they all come from the Earth as well. Natural vegetarian/vegan foods win again!

This delicious veggie packs in a lot of sulforaphane, which boosts the protective enzymes in your body and flushes out chemicals that may cause cancer. Go ahead, eat as much as you want!
Helps Fight: breast, liver, lung, prostate, skin, stomach and bladder cancers

Black and navy beans have been found to reduce colon cancer, especially dried. Their high levels of fatty acid butyrate protects against cancer growth. Thanks Mother Earth!
Helps Fight: breast and colon cancers

These babies consist of lycopene which helps to stop cancer endometrial cell growth. You will get the most out them when cooked since the heating process increases the amount.
Helps Fight: endometrial, lung, prostate and stomach cancers

I love garlic! There are phytochemicals found in garlic that stops the formation of nitrosamines formed in the stomach. These occur when you consume nitrates, a preservative. Stay away from processed foods!
Helps Fight: breast, colon, esophageal and stomach cancers

These nuts have phytosterols that block estrogen receptors in breast cancer cells. Just a handful a day can help!
Helps Fight: breast and prostate cancers

Even though all berries help fight cancer, its black raspberries that contain very high concentrations of anthocyanin. These slow down premalignant cells from growing and keep new blood vessels from forming.
Helps Fight: colon, esophageal, oral and skin cancers

What Not to Eat
You won't see animal products on the list but where you will find them is on their "What Not to Eat List". These are some foods you should really stay away from.

Animal Fats
Meat, cheese and butter can be high in saturated fat which is obviously not good for you. It causes obesity which is linked to cancer. Try to eat leaner sources of protein like beans, veggies and fish.

Processed Meats
Cured meats tend to be high in nitrates and nitrites, preservatives that can increase your risk of stomach and other cancers. I recommend you stay away from most hot dogs and bacon and only eat natural or organic meats. Anything processed is not good for you. The safest thing to do is try to live a vegetarian lifestyle. Health will surely be on your side and you will save thousands of animals from being killed.

Excessive Alcohol
That's right folks. Another reason not to drink. Doctors recommend you stop after one drink because too much can cause mouth, esophagus and breast cancer. If you smoke too, than you are really in trouble! Both are horrible habits so be smart and live without that crap in your body. Plus, too much drinking makes you fat. I think we have enough people who suffer from obesity in this country. Lets not add more!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Go Nuts

Nuts are really a superfood. Not only are they delicious, they offer tons of health benefits as well. Packed with protein and healthy fats, nuts make a great snack on their own or when added to a recipe. You just need to be careful not to eat too much because they are high in calories. Remember, everything in moderation!

Walnuts help boost brain power and have tons of protein and fiber. For a handful of 14 halves you are getting 185 calories.

Almonds lower cholesterol and pack more fiber and calcium than most other nuts. They also have fewer calories and are an excellent source of vitamin E. For 163 calories you can eat 23 of these bad boys.

Pistachios have a special antioxidant called lutein that helps with your vision and skin. If you don't like bananas you can get your potassium from these guys instead. One serving size gives you almost as much as a small banana. They also have fewer calories than most other nuts. For only 162 calories you can snack on a whopping 49 nuts. Sounds good to me!

Cashews contain iron, folate and vitamin K. They help keep your bones strong and give you almost 10% of your daily iron. Move over Popeye! With 18 nuts per serving you get 163 calories.

Pecans help lower cholesterol as well and they help prostates stay healthy. Eat up men! You will get 196 calories for 19 halves.

Pine Nuts are good for the blood. They help metabolize carbs and protein and keep sugar levels at a normal rate. In addition, they help you feel full. By eating 167 nuts you will get 191 calories.