Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Foods That Fight Cancer

In Health magazine this month, they listed some foods that are the best in fighting cancer. I wanted to share them with my readers because not only are they great for you but they all come from the Earth as well. Natural vegetarian/vegan foods win again!

This delicious veggie packs in a lot of sulforaphane, which boosts the protective enzymes in your body and flushes out chemicals that may cause cancer. Go ahead, eat as much as you want!
Helps Fight: breast, liver, lung, prostate, skin, stomach and bladder cancers

Black and navy beans have been found to reduce colon cancer, especially dried. Their high levels of fatty acid butyrate protects against cancer growth. Thanks Mother Earth!
Helps Fight: breast and colon cancers

These babies consist of lycopene which helps to stop cancer endometrial cell growth. You will get the most out them when cooked since the heating process increases the amount.
Helps Fight: endometrial, lung, prostate and stomach cancers

I love garlic! There are phytochemicals found in garlic that stops the formation of nitrosamines formed in the stomach. These occur when you consume nitrates, a preservative. Stay away from processed foods!
Helps Fight: breast, colon, esophageal and stomach cancers

These nuts have phytosterols that block estrogen receptors in breast cancer cells. Just a handful a day can help!
Helps Fight: breast and prostate cancers

Even though all berries help fight cancer, its black raspberries that contain very high concentrations of anthocyanin. These slow down premalignant cells from growing and keep new blood vessels from forming.
Helps Fight: colon, esophageal, oral and skin cancers

What Not to Eat
You won't see animal products on the list but where you will find them is on their "What Not to Eat List". These are some foods you should really stay away from.

Animal Fats
Meat, cheese and butter can be high in saturated fat which is obviously not good for you. It causes obesity which is linked to cancer. Try to eat leaner sources of protein like beans, veggies and fish.

Processed Meats
Cured meats tend to be high in nitrates and nitrites, preservatives that can increase your risk of stomach and other cancers. I recommend you stay away from most hot dogs and bacon and only eat natural or organic meats. Anything processed is not good for you. The safest thing to do is try to live a vegetarian lifestyle. Health will surely be on your side and you will save thousands of animals from being killed.

Excessive Alcohol
That's right folks. Another reason not to drink. Doctors recommend you stop after one drink because too much can cause mouth, esophagus and breast cancer. If you smoke too, than you are really in trouble! Both are horrible habits so be smart and live without that crap in your body. Plus, too much drinking makes you fat. I think we have enough people who suffer from obesity in this country. Lets not add more!

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I try to consume these every day, at least a handful.
