Peace Lily - Spathiphyllum
This flower is graceful and promotes peace in the home. It's also a hard worker! The Peace Lily can rid many contaminants such as formaldehyde and benzene. So all you people with allergies, listen up! The shade is its best friend for it doesn't need much sunlight to grow. The only warning is to not ingest it. This beautiful plant can be slightly toxic to humans and animals.

We all know how much aloe is used in the industry. It's great for sunburn and skin irritations as well as moisturizing dry skin. The plant itself is visually stunning with its bright green leaves. They can get pretty big too, growing up to a foot long. So not only is it a conversation piece but its at your service if you need it. Extracting its sap is easy and why not use a natural resource if you can.

These plants are vibrant and relaxed. They add color and warmth to any room. Did you know they don't have seeds or grow flowers? They reproduce using spores. Ferns can also help contaminated soil.

Mother-in-Law's Tongue - Sansaveria
This tropical plant that produces flowers and fruit. Their leaves are used for fiber production and bandages and its sap can be used as an antiseptic. It grows slow and tall and can last for many years. They need warmth and bright light but don't mind a little shade.

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