Friday, November 12, 2010

Look Out!

If you are not using natural products than what are you using? Most people don’t know what is in the products they use. I feel it is important to know what goes into your body and on your skin. Awareness is the whole point of living green! Once you really know what you're using and how hazardous they are, you can make the positive changes needed to live a healthy, green life.

Here are some ingredients you should be highly on the lookout for. They are toxic and dangerous to your health. After you read this go into your bathroom and take a look at your hair products, face wash, soap, etc... and your cleaning products to see where you stand on the toxic scale. If your numbers run high I suggest you avoid being a toxic avenger and crusade your way towards the healthy path of natural living!

This is a well know carcinogen (an agent directly involved in the promotion of cancer) and is used in most dandruff shampoos, anti-itch creams and dyes such as FD&C Blue 1 and 3. You can find these dyes in toothpastes and mouthwash.

Be weary of this word. It is rarely natural and is used to cover up hundreds of toxic ingredients. One of which is phthalates which can cause reproductive and developmental harm as well as disrupting the endocrine system.

This ingredient is commonly used to whiten and lighten skin as well as used in facial moisturizers.
It is considered a neurotoxin which affects the nervous system and is also allergenic.

Stay away from this one! Not only is it a carcinogenic but mutagenic (agent that changes the genetic material of an organism and may cause mutations) as well. This is often found in deodorants and makeup such as eye shadow and is used as a color additive. It is said that the amount of aluminum found in antiperspirants may increase the risk of breast cancer and has also been a factor in Alzheimer’s disease.

You will find this chemical in almost all antibacterial products such as soap, toothpaste and makeup. It is often mixed with dioxins (highly unstable organic compounds) which have many health risks. Not only are they highly carcinogenic but they can also decrease fertility, weaken your immune system and cause birth defects. Stay clear of Clearasil, Dial, Right Guard, Old Spice and Colgate to name a few. These all contain this chemical.

How the hell do you even pronounce that! This chemical can damage your nervous system and cause many other health risks such as lung irritation and severe allergic reactions. It is often found in hair dyes so beware! For something voted Allergen of the Year by the American Contact Dermatitis Society I would stay clear of this one. Keep your eyes open for these as well: 1,4-Benzenediamine, p-Phenyldiamine and 4-Phenylenediamine.

Lead is a neurotoxin that can be found in men’s hair dye and could also end up in toothpaste as a natural contaminant of hydrated silica. It has also been used in paint pigments and thank god there are companies who are changing that. We all know it is poisonous! It can damage the nervous system and cause blood and brain disorders.
Mercury can be found in thimerosol which is often in cosmetics, especially mascara. A gold star to Minnesota for being the first state in the US to ban it in cosmetics! There has been big controversy over the risks of this preservative in vaccines and has been connected to autism. Its main use is to prevent bacterial contamination, hence being used in vaccines. There are concerns about the amount of exposure a child has to thimerosol so companies have been asked to eliminate it from vaccines.

So you got through the bad ones. Good for you! Now here are a couple more to look out for:
Cocamide DEH, Lauramide DEA, Cocamide MEA, Triethanolamine (TEA) and Diethanolamine (DEA).
All these chemicals have the ability to form into nitrosamines which can be found in tobacco and latex products as well as beer and fish. They can cause cancers in animals and are also carcinogenic in humans.

Ok...last but not least I want to briefly explain what some other chemicals are so you know why to stay away from them. You’ve heard them before but may not really know what they are. Now you do!

You will see these as petroleum or liquid paraffin on labels. Do not be misguided people. These oils can slow down your skin’s natural function and cell development and coats it so it cannot breathe. The result? Premature aging! Yikes...who the hell wants that. They are found in many products including mascara.

These have been shown to increase the risk of breast cancer! They have been considered estrogenic chemicals which mimic the natural function of estrogen. Anything that can disrupt my normal hormone behavior is checked off my list. My hormones are crazy enough. No thank you!

These are both foaming agents derived from coconut oil and used in a variety of products from brake fluid to skin care products such as toothpaste and bubble bath. It is proven to irritate skin and is considered a carcinogenic by The Environmental Working Group.

You will find talc in most baby products, deodorants and powder products. I know it may come as a surprise but it contains a chemical that is similar to asbestos. Yuck! Stay clear of this one ladies because it can increase the risk of certain ovarian cancers.

Think about this the next time you are getting your nails done. Found in most nail products both of these can cause dermatitis.

Found in most cosmetics this additive dries the skin and strips it of its outer layers. Thus, exposing you to bacteria and tons of other toxins. Not to mention, brown spots and premature aging!

Good Luck on your mission to rid these chemicals out of your life for good! I hope I have made it a little easier. You are getting closer to best life you can live :)

1 comment:

  1. You are doing people a service by publishing information like this. Keep up the good work!
    -Deb for Ecover
