I will admit I have texted in my car in the past. Not much when I am driving though. When I have to use my phone I wear my headset but I am trying to just keep it in my bag and leave it alone. I am not a big phone talker to begin with so its not a huge problem for me. But some people are out of hand. I can't tell you how many times I am on the road and I see a person on their phone. Most of the time they are driving too slow, too fast or just plain retarded! I often yell at these people, haha. Its just so god damn annoying.
So do the world a favor and keep your phone off in the car. There really is no need to use it. If you need to call someone then just pull over and do what you have to do. At least you are not on the road and open to having a car accident or killing someone. Play it safe because this is no joke.

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