Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Simple Tips to Stay Healthy

I came across some great tips in the recent Martha Stewart Weddings magazine we can all do to stay healthy. They are given by nutritionist Keri Glassman in NYC and I must say they are pretty easy to follow. I always try to share ways for people to better themselves because it truly is important to take care your body, mind and soul. This is essential to being successful, happy and confident.

So read on for things you can do on a daily basis that will bring positive results in no time.

Eat Something Every Four Hours
Try to stick with 3 meals and 2 snacks and you shouldn't hear that tummy grumble. Glassman suggests you consume about 400 calories for each meal and 150 calories for the snacks.

Try these websites for healthy snack ideas under 150 calories each:
Ladies Home Journal
Cher Nutrition

Go Crazy with Vegetables
I tell people this all the time. If you are an overeater, than just eat veggies! You can eat just about as much as you want and they make you feel great. Not to mention, they totally fill you up with all the fiber they contain. Starting your meal with a salad or some type of vegetable based soup will help you eat less on your dinner plate.

Check out this article on The Huffington Post about the best and worst vegetables to eat.

Choose a Better Beverage
The drinks people are coming up with these days are seriously scary. Starbucks alone has a coffee drink that contains hundreds of calories! I agree with Glassman when she suggests you skip the fancy drinks and high sugar sodas. Water is always the best choice and drinking 8 ounces a day is what you should aim for. But when you do need a little something different, try a club soda with some lemon or cucumber slices.

Check out The 20 Worst Drinks in America by Mens Health magazine to find out which ones to stay away from.

Be a Label Reader
One of my top pieces of advice to people is reading the label on everything you buy. Do you think major companies really care about your health? The food industry is a mess filled with lies, false advertisements and tons of garbage! Unless you are eating natural or organic foods, you are probably in trouble. Look over the label and see how much sugar, salt and calories are in it. Also check the ingredient list. If it has over 10 listed, I would question the item you are about to purchase.

Download this information guide to reading labels on the EPA website.

Avoid Entree Size Salads at Restaurants
Although salads are great, you have to be careful when you go out and order them. They often are filled with fat that isn't needed. Whether its cheese, nuts or the dressing, don't consume it all. Order a small one or take half home. Also, try to stick with lean proteins and veggies.

For more information read The Best and Worst Restaurant Salads from Cooking Light.

Get Seven Hours of Sleep
I know everyone needs help with this one. We are all busy but it doesn't help anyone if we don't get enough sleep, especially your skin. The hours you sleep are essential for your body to rest and get refreshed as well give your mind a break. Not getting enough sleep can also effect your hunger the next day and cause you to eat more. One study found that can be as much as 300 calories more! Get to bed!

Here are some articles on why we need sleep and why its important:
Time Magazine
Complete Well Being

Chill Out
No one enjoys being stressed out. Not only can it cause weight gain but it can effect your life tremendously. Giving yourself time to relax and chill out is what your body and mind need to function properly. Keep these in mind throughout the day and you should be good to go. Stay healthy and keep smiling!

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