Monday, May 30, 2011

Authenticity Leads to Happiness

Money is the root of a lot of problems. People don't have it so they are homeless and hungry. Others work hard their whole lives earning enough to survive. Then you have those who spend, spend, spend like its the end of the world. News flash - making a high salary doesn't mean you have to live larger than life. It's kind of irresponsible, if you ask me. Not to mention, wasteful.

Using money to obtain status is sad. Big closets, large homes, expensive cars, huge diamonds - this "stuff" doesn't mean anything. Just because you have an abundance of "stuff" it sure as hell does not make you important or special and it definitely doesn't make you cool. People need to seriously learn value. Living a life of excess is not the righteous path. It is said in many religions and spiritual writings that wanting more than you need just leads you in the wrong direction. Why would you want to be farther from your authentic self? Maybe you don't like who you are? Or maybe you aren't that interesting to begin with. Whatever the reason is, traveling through life living this way is not healthy. Things have certainly got out of hand.

I am not saying you shouldn't buy yourself nice things. Everyone deserves that. Especially, if you work hard for it. But a lot of people don't. There are a great amount of individuals in this country and beyond that simply make too much money. And instead of appreciating what they have, they want more of it. This my friends is greed at its worst. Want, want, want. Everything is overdone and nothing is good enough. They tend to get stuck in their little bubbles they call "life" but are really separating themselves from reality. They are all living false identities. If they only knew what people really thought of them.

Why can't we have it all? We can. By all I mean love, experience, knowledge, adventure, hope, achievement and other things that really matter in life. Not expensive jewelry and $500 bags. You can have all the money in the world and everything your heart desires but none of that is impressive. What ever happened to people appreciating the finer things in life? With all that money there are plenty of things you can do with it that will not only help other people but secure a future for yourself.

I just think its sad how people act. They are totally lost and don't even know it. And to make it worse, some even think others are jealous! I think thats funny. I have never had a lot of money and probably never will, which is fine. I don't need to make millions. My life is filled with many things that keep me happy. I guess some just have empty unfulfilled lives so they need to fill it with material crap. At least I know my journey here on Earth is positive, knowledgable and authentic.

I wonder why people have lost the real meaning of things. Nowadays it seems love is calculated by how big a ring is or how extravagant a wedding can be. Again, using money to show status and impress others. Can't people just express their love for one another without including the damn circus? And truthfully, people tell me all the time they are sick of going to weddings like that. Most are unoriginal, uncreative and the sadly, the couple is forgettable. With all the damn distractions how can you expect them not to be? It's the real meaningful events that are remembered. The ones that truly represent the couple in love by showing the world what they believe in and who they are. It's the smiles, kisses and shared laughs among close friends and family that really bring life to the special day.

Home sweet home is another one that has gone out the window. With celebrities buying numerous million dollar homes and people living in houses that are bigger than they need, its no surprise "home sweet home" is old news. I, for one, find a cozy home something to look forward to. What scares me is living in a house with empty bedrooms and spaces I will never use. What a waste! I have a friend that owns a home worth millions and all she wants is to downsize because it simply is too much. And I don't blame her. Having more than you need will eventually bite you in the ass.

So, live a life of necessity and not abundance. Too much of something is never good. Treat yourself when its due and save for security. Share extra money with loved ones who need it and you will feel better than buying a new expensive pair of shoes. Living a great life starts with a loving heart, not a huge paycheck so work hard and strive to do what you love. Don't sell out just to make tons of money. You should value what you have and respect yourself enough to show the world who you really are. Authenticity leads to happiness.

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