Feeds 2-4 people
- a half bag of Quorn crumbles or a box of crumbled Seitan
- 1 small onion
- 5 garlic cloves
- olive oil
- cumin, chili pepper, salt & pepper
- cilantro
- a half 28 oz. can of crushed tomatoes
- optional:1 small bell pepper
Chop up the onion, pepper and garlic. Saute onions & peppers in a medium heated pan with 2 tbsp of olive oil until translucent. Add the garlic and cook for another minute or two. Add a tsp or so of cumin, chili pepper and cilantro and a little salt and pepper. Mix well and add crumbles. Mix again. Let cook for a few minutes and add tomatoes. Let it all cook together for 5 - 6 minutes and serve.
I love making rice with this dish. I add a little Earth Balance and salt when cooking and then a little cilantro when its done. Make a taco bar filled with cheese, lettuce, sour cream, salsa - whatever you love on tacos. Use vegan alternatives as well if you want. Enjoy!

Danny is making these for me tomorrow and I can't wait! Thanks for the recipe :-)