The Walk for Animals is held all over the states and has been more successful each year. All money raised goes to helping abused animals and allows Farm Sanctuary to keep doing what it does best. The main message of the event is to spread awareness about factory farming, how animals are treated and how it affects the environment. It is doing great damage to the planet and the animals who suffer don't deserve it.

There were a couple of passerby's that took pamphlets and stopped out of interest which is always a good thing. Despite the chilly morning, we completed our 2 mile route successfully. People of all ages came out for the event and showed their support and pride for the cause. Hopefully, we made the residents of Northport think about the issue and become more aware of the problems that affect us all.

Living a cruelty-free life is a happy one. Knowing in your heart that all Earthlings matter leads you down a guilt-free and harmonious path that will someday change the world.
Love the cause, and thanks to all the people who walked !! Great job !!