Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Visit to the Farm Sanctuary

I recently took a trip to Watkins Glen, NY to visit the Farm Sanctuary. I was very excited about this trip because I have been looking into the sanctuary for some time now and am very pleased with what they are doing to save farm animals. As my boyfriend and I drove up the dirt road to the entrance I was anxious to walk along the green grassy hills and meet all the animals. The education director, Michelle, was very nice to have set up a tour even though it was not a normal tour day. Our guide for the day was Renee, a well informative woman who expressed her love for animals with every word she uttered and every move she made. You could just see and feel how much they meant to her. Being a vegan since she was ten years old clearly proves her dedication and passion for the cause.

We first entered the People Barn where they hold all educational classes and films. The displays were nothing less of the truth and were shown in a manner that enabled the viewer to understand the issues on a unique level. Showing the gestation crates pigs are forced to live in, battery cages which hens are sadly constricted and veal crates that confine baby cows to a life of solitude away from its mother are all ways in which farm factories torture and harm all these adorable animals. Can you imagine yourself living in conditions like these? Its worse than being in jail. With no room to stretch or breathe freely how can any living creature be healthy and happy? They can't.

I enjoyed the area for children, Kids Korner, where they can learn the truth about the food industry and see for themselves that the way animals are treated is wrong and needs to stop. On Saturdays they also feature films so people can have a more visual sense of what is going on. Interaction is a major part of information and there is plenty of it at the Farm Sanctuary. The people are very nice and informative and make sure you enjoy your visit. There is also a bed and breakfast on the sanctuary where people can stay overnight. With all the surrounding beauty it would be hard not to! I am sure the vegan breakfast they serve all the guests are surely delicious as well.

My tour enabled me to get close to the animals and really get a sense of who they were. The cows were so peaceful. Laying around eating grass and happy as can be. This is where they belong. We then moved on to the sheep and goats which was one of the best parts of the tour. They were so playful and welcoming it was unreal. Head butts galore! One in particular really liked Danny and I and kept trying to push us over. So awesome. I will never forget the two goats laying together by the food. They were so sweet with each other. You see even animals have best friends!

Next up were the chickens and turkeys. I have to say I was surprised by the personalities of these birds. If you are one to think they do not have unique traits you are wrong. There was a great sense of togetherness as well as comedy. They all just went on with their day which for some was laying eggs. I never saw a turkey egg before, never mind seeing a turkey lay one! It was so cool. There was one female turkey who insisted we all hear its unique gobble and others that had such beautiful feathers I swear they were showing them off. Such character they all had. Especially, the big man! He so wanted me to take photos! You can see it in his eyes that he liked the attention. His head felt like a brain!

On the way to the pigs we stopped by the ducks, geese and more birds who were totally living it up. This is where I found a hen that was pulling off the cutest moves. She was giving herself a dust bath and rubbing her head into the earth. So cute! I have footage of this that you will have to wait to see but trust me, it was adorable. Renee said they do this often. Who knew? Maybe if we focused on learning about THEM instead of what they can do for us we would know what interesting creatures they really are.

Last but not least, we made a visit to the piggies! I love pigs and always wanted a piglet for a pet. These pigs were far from piglets though. Weighing up to 2000 pounds, these guys had the life. Most of them were laying around napping and one was digging in the hay for food. This made me laugh because the whole time we were there his head was buried in the hay. So funny! The smiles on all their faces made my soul light up with happiness. These kind creatures are so sweet and innocent. You just want to lay with them all day. Their bellies are super soft and I loved how they adjusted their bodies to get comfy. It reminded me of my dog Olive when she is trying to sleep. An animal will always be an animal whether they are our pets or not. They all have personalities and unique characteristics we should all be able to see. I am one lucky girl to have witnessed it all in one day!

Here are some facts I wanted to share with you. These and more can be obtained from the Farm Sanctuary website and literature in the People Barn.

- More than 50% of forests and rain forests worldwide have already been cleared for livestock grazing or animal feed crops.
- Livestock rearing results in the production of methane and nitrous oxide, gases known to contribute significantly to global
warming. Manure saturated fields introduce contaminants into the environment and water supply resulting in disease, sick-
ness and pollution.
- Children who eat a vegetarian diet live healthier lives because their diet prevents cancer, obesity, high blood pressure and
diabetes to name a few. They tend to live longer as well. A plant based diet gives them the essential nutrients to grow such
as fiber, antioxidants, protein, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.
- Over 70% of U.S. grain and 80% of corn is fed to farm animals rather than people. This amount can feed approximately
800 million hungry people.
- Factory farms are breeding grounds for harmful pathogens like salmonella and e. coli.
- Farm animals are usually prevented from engaging in instinctual behavior and live only a fraction of their natural lives.
- Approximately 10 billion farm animals needlessly die every year to fuel the food industry.
- Perceived as "threats" to human activity, vast numbers of coyote, prairie dogs and other wild animals who "interfere" with
livestock are killed every year by the Federal Government.
- More than 70% of the world's fish species are either fully exploited or depleted and researchers have warned that all fish
may be gone by the year 2048 if overfishing trends continue.

These facts themselves should want you to change and start living a better life. Not just for yourself but for all living creatures. If you don't think the way animals are treated in the food industry is wrong than I would question your self worth. It would be obvious to me that you don't think too highly of yourself. You see, whether you like it or not, we need the Earth to live. It does not need us. That's for sure! All we have done is destroy it. Animals are a part of the Earth, as we are. We are all earthlings. Just because we are human does not give us the right to take over and control everything we touch. Nor does it give us the power to torture and kill innocent beings for pleasure. And yes, if you eat meat than you take pleasure in its death. Sorry but its true.

You know the truth and you decide to support the horrible acts that go on everyday. I mean, damn, you are eating the results! I hope that the more you read and the more you see you can one day stand up to the food industry and big business and take control of what you put in your body. Stand up for yourself and all living beings by choosing a vegetarian or vegan diet and live a healthier, happier, guilt - free life. Like I said before, it was the best decision of my life. I choose to live positive and not support torture, disease and death. Unlike a lot of other people, I enjoy seeing animals happy. They are amazing creatures with hearts and souls that deserve the chance to live. I will forever spread the truth and support LIFE over greed and selfishness. I cross my fingers that one day you will all do the same.

For more information about the Farm Sanctuary and these issues you can visit their website: Farm Sanctuary

I will be posting my experience at the sanctuary in the next few days on Revolt TV. I will keep everyone posted!

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